Of Hellfire and Holyfire-- An Original Artifact from the Hellfire Club Lodge in Ireland, Made of Real Bone Sterling Silver
How would I begin when describing this piece? I would begin by saying that it definitely has some dark undertones to it. In fact, many of them are downright sinister. However, many times when you are seeking very powerful magic, this magic isn’t always the most white light bubbly stuff. I mean, white light magic can be very powerful. However, when dealing with powerful magic it doesn’t always fit the bill for white light. This is what you have to keep in mind when considering this piece. It is definitely dual magic. It would be completely dark, save for a miracle that took place in the 1800s that allowed the Holy Fire of God to rage on in the woods of Ireland, specifically county Dublin.
It was the year 1725 in County Dublin atop a place called Montpelier Hill that a supposed Hunting Lodge was built for the elite. It was built for the likeness of nobility, wealthy merchants and politicians of all kinds. It was built using a prehistoric burial passage tomb, the foundation of which served as the fireplace for the lodge. It seems innocent enough, right? A bunch of gentlemen wanted to get together to do what gentlemen do. It was nothing more than a giant mancave where men could escape the troubles of the times, right? Wrong!!
Donning the name, “the Hellfire Club”, it wasn’t long until rumors began to surface about the sinister activities that went on in the confines of the Hellfire Club. In fact, the whole purpose of building the club was not to have a place to hunt, but rather it was a place for the elite to meet in private where they could carry out their sinister dealings and Satanic Dark Masses. Raucous meetings full of debauchery and sexual rituals took place inside the confines of the Hellfire Club. Animal and human sacrifices were performed in the name of the Dark Lord. There was even a chair that pulled to the banquet table, where they’d throw bountiful feasts, that was kept empty.
The chair was elaborately decorated with precious stones, jewels, and gold. It was affectionately called the Dark Chair because it is the physical and mortal throne of Satan. They called him forth during blood sacrifices. He would appear before the Hellfire Club as a giant black cat before devouring the body used to perform the blood ritual. He would speak to them from the mouth of the cat. His voice hissed like a peal of thunder. Some of the guests even vowed their soul to Satan for magical abilities that they could perform on Earth.
It wasn’t until the 1800s when a local villager turned up dead— face down in a stream surrounding the Hellfire Club— that the place finally burned down. The priest, fed up with rumors, visited the Hellfire club. He was greeted by a tall, cloaked man at the door. He was led down a long corridor to a banquet room where the gatherers were drinking blood from a silver chalice with strange markings on it. There were candles lit at every table. The hall was filled with shrieks of laughter and even moaning that was coming from sex rituals that were being performed in the corner of the room with women that had been invited to partake.
The priest was shoved down into a chair as the black cat himself lept in through the window and took his spot on the throne. The cat hissed and scratched at the priest. The priest tried to get up to leave, but he was shoved back into his seat. Remembering he had a bottle of holy water in his pocket, he took it out and chucked it as hard as he could at the cat. He began reciting prayers that invokes the Holy Fire of God. It ignited the place in flames and burnt it to the ground. That was the day that Hellfire met Holy Fire and Holy Fire won.
Now, to think that the Hellfire Club just ceased to exist would be foolish. Of course, they never ceased to exist, they simply found other places to exist. They have been hiding out in secret confines all over the world, still holding their influence in the public eye, but practicing in secret. Only recently have they returned to their spot atop Montpelier Hill. Only this time they have a secret underground venue where they hold their rituals. They are still in the business of kidnapping and sacrificing, only they have branched out it includes people that they have kidnapped from all over the world. They are attempting to make their actions a little less conspicuous, so there isn’t an uproar over what they are doing, especially lately with all of the stuff that has been going on with Jeffrey Epstein.
Also, they have not renovated the confines. They do their rituals at the Hellfire Club the way they building stands. They meet at this establishment at least four times per year. These days the magic that they create though is a little bit more dual than it is pure evil. This is simply due to the fact that the presence of the Holy Fire that burnt down the Hellfire Club is still present. So, anything that is created is influenced by the Holy presence and is automatically created as dual magic, able to be used either way that they person who is using the magic intends for it to be used.
Deedee was able to sneak into one of these meetings when she used a magical piece that we have that allowed her to fake her identity. She assumed the identity of a prominent English politician, who must have not been a regular at these meetings because there were several other faces that were surprised to see him there. The experience she had was similar to the one described earlier. She said the air of the place was mysterious and creepy. The people at the club were taking part in a sacrificial ritual. They hooked a female up to this contraption that looked like a medieval torture device. It stretched her body inch by inch. As it did the people in attendance carved sigils and symbols into her body and she bled into a basin that collected her blood. A significant amount of this blood was collected. The blood was drunk from a chalice.
As she looked on in horror, Deedee watched at the body was torn in two by the contraption it was hooked up to. The woman cried out in pain and the people in attendance cheered Her blood sprayed forth from her torn body and the attendees quickly rushed forward to be showered by it. They took the body down and burnt it in the fireplace. Some of the people partook of the charred, burning flesh. Others did not. Her flesh was peeled, like an onion off of her bones and people drape her skin over them and danced around and around. Her skull was stuck inside some sort of container and they chanted over it until it shrunk. It was then placed in a box where there were other skulls, except these skulls were made into various forms of jewelry and artifacts. At the stroke of three, the Black Cat came meandering in, leaping forward from his window. The people exalted him as he hissed at them and granted the requests that were made of him prior to the rituals they had formed. His eyes glowed an evil red hue and he spoke tongues at the people in attendance and Deedee said she don’t think they even realized that they spoke it back because they were under his spell.
There was lots of other stuff that went on that night that Deedee flat out refuses to discuss. She said it’s even worse than what she has already shared. The point is that she took one of the artifacts from the chest— the ones made out of skulls. This artifact can grant whatever it is you ask of them. It doesn’t matter what you ask or what you want, this piece will give it to you. This is because this piece has been created with the bones of the sacrificed. This piece gives you sacrificial energy to call upon either the forces of darkness or the forces of light to grant your requests and they will be granted to you. You don’t have to give this piece any blood or anything like that. You only to give an offering of whiskey and butter, which is something the Irishmen of ancient times offered in the original Hellfire Club building. Exact instructions will be given to the person that receives this piece only upon receipt that they have received it. We are not trying to be prudish in saying this. It’s just that the powers in this piece are so powerful that we don’t want to risk putting the instructions in the description and this piece falling into the wrong hands.
I’m not saying that this piece will work 100% the way it has worked for other people, but the magic of this piece has been known to grant immortality and full-body healing, which are two very sought after forms of magic. It has raised the dead in full-body form. It has allowed people to bring upon the wrath of both hellfire and holy fire to people on Earth. It has made people insanely wealthy, rich beyond the wildest of imaginations. The thing is, you can use this piece for whatever you deem necessary and however you choose to. You can choose to either use this piece of magic with the energies of hellfire or holy fire and those directions will be given to the person who winds up with this piece.