Alternative Existence
Regular price
$ 225.00
Where to begin with this piece? It's like we were playing good spy, bad spy to get this piece. That's because the United States government used their own espionage tactics with the powers in this piece. We used our own espionage tactics and simply walked in the front door of Pentagon to get it. It was simple, really. All we had to do is use a piece that we keep in reserve that allows us to assume the form and identity of anybody that we choose. We find somebody with high enough security clearance. Bam! Just like that, we're in. Well, that's when we can't get our connection to do our dirty work for us. However, this required a high-security clearance that what he has been given. So, we had to pretty much take care of business ourselves.
This piece was hidden among documents detailing the possibilities of a nuclear cataclysm and a comet that is half the size of Earth taking us out. I mean, the power that is in this piece is probably good enough to be classified as a national threat, which is why it was locked up in the first place. It is a spy ring that was developed by the federal government, denied by the federal government, and kept in a place where the government keeps all the stuff the never want to be released to the public-- right next to the files that have to deal with the end of the human race, evidently.
The fact is that this piece holds ancient magic that can be found in Orion's belt. I'm not sure how that magic was acquired, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the pyramids in Giza. I only say that because the energy that is in this piece feels very similar to the energies in pieces that hold pyramid powers that I have experienced before. What it is that this piece holds the raw energy from the Orion Belt, which is the energy that is harvest by the pyramids. This is the magic of illusion and the creation of false realities. Well, they are really false realities, they are alternate realities.
The fact is that we have been living in a manmade reality for thousands of years. The ability to manipulate reality and have humanity see and experience what you want them to see and experience is an old tactic that was developed by the original Illumanit in ancient Egypt by using the powers of Orion that were harvest by the pyramids. This reality has been changed and shaped by those in control of the world and its existence ever since. The same powers that allow the Illuminati to craft our existential experience are the same magic that has been set into this piece.
It has been used by the US government to shift reality and force people to see what they wanted them to see so that way they could complete covert operations that nobody knows about, such as altering their appearance so that way they could spy. For example, a tactic that they used was altering reality so that way they didn't appear to people who were standing right in front of them. They have also altered reality by creating false flag terrorist attacks and making it look like the Saudis were behind it. Remember that day? They have used this piece to spy on many different countries, creating a reality around those countries' government that made it safe for them to do so. They have used this piece to double cross their Illuminati partners and to steal intelligence, power, and magic. So, what exactly is it that this piece offers you?
This spy piece allows you to directly alter the reality of those around you. This piece holds energies that have been mined from the constellation Orion. These energies will not affect the person wearing the piece but will affect those people who you cast the energies upon. You can do this from up to 100 miles out simply by focusing on the person whose reality you want to change and then changing it in your mind. It works better the closer you are, like if your presence doesn't have to be a complete mystery, laying your hands on a person and envisioning the reality that you want them to experience work pretty well.
This piece will not only allow you to manipulate others' realities but will allow you to take down the reality shield that the government has created for you. It will allow you to experience, first hand, what the world actually looks like. The Bucegi Sphinx is actually a very live and up-and-running project. The capstones of the pyramids sparkle with the powers that they receive from the Universe. There are two suns. Aliens actually walk among us. You'd be surprised at what reality really looks like, but you will be able to experience with this piece. It was the perfect spy piece and still can be if that is what you want to use it for. You can also use it to know the truth and to change other's actually realities, or to help them know the truth also. However, you want to use it, the choice is yours. We have had lots of fun with this piece. You will, too. It is extremely powerful.
This piece was hidden among documents detailing the possibilities of a nuclear cataclysm and a comet that is half the size of Earth taking us out. I mean, the power that is in this piece is probably good enough to be classified as a national threat, which is why it was locked up in the first place. It is a spy ring that was developed by the federal government, denied by the federal government, and kept in a place where the government keeps all the stuff the never want to be released to the public-- right next to the files that have to deal with the end of the human race, evidently.
The fact is that this piece holds ancient magic that can be found in Orion's belt. I'm not sure how that magic was acquired, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the pyramids in Giza. I only say that because the energy that is in this piece feels very similar to the energies in pieces that hold pyramid powers that I have experienced before. What it is that this piece holds the raw energy from the Orion Belt, which is the energy that is harvest by the pyramids. This is the magic of illusion and the creation of false realities. Well, they are really false realities, they are alternate realities.
The fact is that we have been living in a manmade reality for thousands of years. The ability to manipulate reality and have humanity see and experience what you want them to see and experience is an old tactic that was developed by the original Illumanit in ancient Egypt by using the powers of Orion that were harvest by the pyramids. This reality has been changed and shaped by those in control of the world and its existence ever since. The same powers that allow the Illuminati to craft our existential experience are the same magic that has been set into this piece.
It has been used by the US government to shift reality and force people to see what they wanted them to see so that way they could complete covert operations that nobody knows about, such as altering their appearance so that way they could spy. For example, a tactic that they used was altering reality so that way they didn't appear to people who were standing right in front of them. They have also altered reality by creating false flag terrorist attacks and making it look like the Saudis were behind it. Remember that day? They have used this piece to spy on many different countries, creating a reality around those countries' government that made it safe for them to do so. They have used this piece to double cross their Illuminati partners and to steal intelligence, power, and magic. So, what exactly is it that this piece offers you?
This spy piece allows you to directly alter the reality of those around you. This piece holds energies that have been mined from the constellation Orion. These energies will not affect the person wearing the piece but will affect those people who you cast the energies upon. You can do this from up to 100 miles out simply by focusing on the person whose reality you want to change and then changing it in your mind. It works better the closer you are, like if your presence doesn't have to be a complete mystery, laying your hands on a person and envisioning the reality that you want them to experience work pretty well.
This piece will not only allow you to manipulate others' realities but will allow you to take down the reality shield that the government has created for you. It will allow you to experience, first hand, what the world actually looks like. The Bucegi Sphinx is actually a very live and up-and-running project. The capstones of the pyramids sparkle with the powers that they receive from the Universe. There are two suns. Aliens actually walk among us. You'd be surprised at what reality really looks like, but you will be able to experience with this piece. It was the perfect spy piece and still can be if that is what you want to use it for. You can also use it to know the truth and to change other's actually realities, or to help them know the truth also. However, you want to use it, the choice is yours. We have had lots of fun with this piece. You will, too. It is extremely powerful.