Nebuchadnezzar's Box
Regular price
$ 50.00
If you are a Christian, you might remember Nebuchadnezzar in a totally different way than how I am about to portray him. You probably remember him as the guy who threw Shadrach, Meshak, and Abednego into the furnace. They didn't burn up and they came out to warn Nebuchadnezzar of his transgressions, he converted to Christianity and they lived happily ever after-ish. On the other hand, prior to his conversion to Christianity, Nebuchadnezzar was a very powerful man. He had magic at his fingertips that were given to him by a group of very powerful entities that he referred to as gods. He commissioned these gods to grant him every kind of magic possilbe, in return all he had to do was order his people to revere them. He did that and she how well that worked out. Either way, the king had a penchant for decorated and elaborate boxes. He would have these boxes created in such a way that he could create the magic that he wanted simply by placing an artifact into the box and allowing it to "charge."
He had many of these boxes and with them, he created many different and tremendous magical pieces. A secret formula for how to build a Nebuchadnezzar's Box was handed down through the generations and many magical people have used this formula to create their own. That is the same formula that has been used to create this box. Yes, this is a Nebuchadnezzar's Box. When you place an item in the box, you can call upon any god of your own choosing to fortify the piece that you have placed into the box with magic. It doesn't matter if you are calling upon one of the ancient Egyptian gods, one of the Anunaki, the gods of the Native Americans, or God himself. This box will communicate with the god or gods of your choosing and will empower the piece that you have put into the box. There are some things that gods will not grant such as death or immortality, or the ability to kill, etc, but I think common sense pretty much dictates that these are things that the gods will not grant. There are a few others, but pretty much anything is fair game.
INSTRUCTIONS-- you will write down the name of the god and the power you want it to grant on a piece of paper. You will fold this paper. You will place this paper, along with your empty vessel inside of the box. You will allow the piece to remain in the box for seven days. On the seventh day, your piece will be empowered. You will need to bond with it, just like any other piece.
You can also use this piece as a regular charging box. See the instructions below.
For charging, you will simply leave your piece inside of the box for three days. On the third day take it out and it will have charged to 100x the power it was before. Repeat as desired.
He had many of these boxes and with them, he created many different and tremendous magical pieces. A secret formula for how to build a Nebuchadnezzar's Box was handed down through the generations and many magical people have used this formula to create their own. That is the same formula that has been used to create this box. Yes, this is a Nebuchadnezzar's Box. When you place an item in the box, you can call upon any god of your own choosing to fortify the piece that you have placed into the box with magic. It doesn't matter if you are calling upon one of the ancient Egyptian gods, one of the Anunaki, the gods of the Native Americans, or God himself. This box will communicate with the god or gods of your choosing and will empower the piece that you have put into the box. There are some things that gods will not grant such as death or immortality, or the ability to kill, etc, but I think common sense pretty much dictates that these are things that the gods will not grant. There are a few others, but pretty much anything is fair game.
INSTRUCTIONS-- you will write down the name of the god and the power you want it to grant on a piece of paper. You will fold this paper. You will place this paper, along with your empty vessel inside of the box. You will allow the piece to remain in the box for seven days. On the seventh day, your piece will be empowered. You will need to bond with it, just like any other piece.
You can also use this piece as a regular charging box. See the instructions below.
For charging, you will simply leave your piece inside of the box for three days. On the third day take it out and it will have charged to 100x the power it was before. Repeat as desired.