The Fame Game

The Fame Game

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While we are on the subject of unicorns, I'll just go ahead and list this one, too. There isn't some grand backstory to how I got this piece or anything like that. In fact, this one was bought at a paranormal auction. It's not the one in Florida, but the one in Virginia that we go to sometime. This unicorn doesn't have a name. You can give him one when you get the piece is you want, but you don't have to. The power will work either way. This power is for nothing but fame. When you get this piece you make a spiritual connection to your unicorn. The unicorn then read your mind to see what it is you have always wanted to be famous for. This could be for singing, acting, dancing, being a comedian. really whatever it is you want. It will then curtail its powers to what you want so that way you are able to develop the talents and abilities that you want to become famous and wealthy. That's the name of the game with this piece. We have tested this several times. I can't tell you with who, but trust me-- it works.

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