If people don't look your way and you think that might be because you need some help in the beauty department. This piece holds ancient magic that comes from the Pleiades, a star cluster that is rather close in proximity in the universal distance. You can see the star cluster with the naked eye. It's part of the constellation Taurus. This magic is ancient beautification magic that was actually one of the original magic that was given to the Egyptian people, not only to help them appear more beautiful in real life but also helped preserve their dead.
This piece holds that same beauty magic. When you wear this piece your body will appear as beautiful as you want it to be. You will be able to flirt and date with confidence. This piece works by altering the other person's perception of beauty, so that way whatever you are showing to them is what they want. It is what they gotta have. You will be the highlight of their whole day, with plenty of beauty to go around. This piece could lead to love, marriage, and one day a family!