Hadron Soul Replacements
Hadron Soul Replacements
Hadron Soul Replacements
Hadron Soul Replacements
Hadron Soul Replacements
Hadron Soul Replacements
Hadron Soul Replacements

Hadron Soul Replacements

Regular price $ 300.00


You will be receiving a sterling silver bracelet.


We have talked about CERN and the Large Haron Collider (LHC) before.  However, this piece puts a brand-new twist on it.  We weren't even aware that this type of experimentation was happening at CERN until we received this piece.  No, I cannot tell you how I got this piece, so please do not ask.  It's nothing personal, it would just completely jeopardize the relationship we have with the person who was able to secure this piece for us in the first place.  Besides, you wouldn't even know them.  Let's just say, "we know a guy."  

For those of you who do not know, the LHC is a machine that moves particles at extremely fast speeds, colliding these particles together to create nuclear reactions.  One such nuclear reaction is the creation of black holes.  We've known this for some time now.  In fact, we offered a quantum jumping piece that developed using the powers of CERN a few years back.  It seems that CERN has stepped up their game since then.  They went from creating blackholes with thermo-nuclear energy to creating something that is far more valuable to the human agenda.  

Before getting into all this, let me just preface what I'm about to tell you with a question.  Have you noticed that the world seems to be getting crazier and crazier these days?  I mean, all you have to do is turn on the news and you'll see what I'm talking about.  There are people who are pretending to be things they aren't.  You have people trying to normalize pedophilia as a sexual preference.  People are claiming you have to ask babies permission before changing their diaper.  The world is getting dumber by the second.  

A lot of this is simple mind control and dumbing down of society.  We have covered that before and you are probably aware of it already.  Having said that there is something else going on here and it begins with CERN.  The people that have been using the LHC have (somehow) managed to develop a collision whose result is the creation of energy that has been used for the creation of souls.  These souls have been being set into newborns and adults alike. These souls are then controlled by a governing body that retains the imprint of each soul they have created.  They can use this imprint to control each of the souls.  There are millions of these souls.  

So how are they controlling the masses?  Well the mind control is one aspect of it.  Then there is this new soul technology.  It is fairly simple for the people at CERN to "inject" these new souls into an existing body.  It is as simple as aiming the energy at a person for a matter of seconds.  These new souls are highly magnetic and the human body has a ton of metallic energy in it, so the soul is absorbed nearly immediately.  Once in the body, this new soul coincides with the authentic soul and allows the people in charge to upload thought, feelings, emotions, magical abilities etc. into the body of those that have these lab-created souls.

So, why are people acting so crazy?  They literally have souls inside of them that are being controlled by the people at CERN.  The people at CERN are in cahoots with people in the Illuminati.  They are executing diabolical plans and trains of thought, paving the way for the darkness and evil to reign on Earth.  Enough of that for right, though, because there is a part of these artificial souls that will be beneficial to you.  Remember the part where I told you that they can infuse a soul with magical abilities?  Well, we are on to something there and this piece will allow you to embrace it.  

This piece has been created with energy from CERN's soul initiative.  It holds an energy that has been set into by CERN that allows those who wear it to create their own soul.  This soul will coincide with your own soul, but you will always have control over it.  In addition, the piece holds a holographic memory of about 1,000 powers and abilities.  When you wear this piece this soul will be created for you and will live alongside your own soul.  You will be able to also connect to the holographic memory.  You can upload these powers and abilities to your alternate soul and you will be able to use these powers and abilities in your mortal reality.  These powers and abilities are many and they are powerful.  You can either meditate with this piece and peruse through them to see what you might like.  Or, you can meditate with a certain power or ability in mind and it will be shown to you.  

Again, this concept is relatively new, but we have tested this piece ourselves and we have allowed several testers to test it.  This ability is very stable and will not any adverse or unwanted side effects.  If you ever feel as though you don't want your Hadron soul anymore, it's as simple as giving this piece a wash in saltwater and all that you have created will be dissolved.  This is a way to allow yourself to grow in power without having to really do much more than meditating.  

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