Home of the Seven Lucky Deities
Home of the Seven Lucky Deities
Home of the Seven Lucky Deities
Home of the Seven Lucky Deities
Home of the Seven Lucky Deities

Home of the Seven Lucky Deities

Regular price $ 377.77

This piece was acquired during an investigation of one of the Red and Green Society’s compounds.  They have seriously powerful mages that provide them with the most powerful forms of magic. Through ancient magical rites, these mages have created very powerful pieces for the Society.  This piece is one of them. This piece is a home into which the Seven Lucky Deities have been conjured. They will live here. Hang this piece in your home and when you are ready to summon one of the gods forth, you will simply light a stick or cone of incense and pray to the deity of your choice.  You will ask them for what you want and they will grant it to you.   

Jurojin-- He is a sage and the god of Longevity.  Not only does he protect your health to give you a long, productive life.

Daikoku-- He is similar to Jurojin, except he brings longevity to business and promises prosperity in all of your business ventures.  When hung in the home, he will bring prosperity to the household as well as protection for the home and all of its inhabitants.  

Fukorokujo-- He is god over wealth and happiness.  He is different than Jurojin because he brings wealth in many different forms, not just in business.  He also brings happiness and contentment with the wealth that he brings you. A lot of rich people complain about empty spaces in their souls because they become bored with their lives because they have so much money.  They just want more and more. Fuko will make sure that you have meaning and you are content with the wealth that he brings you. He is also capable of communicating with the dead, which will allow you to call forth spirits and souls from the spirit realms.  

Hotei- He is the god of abundance.  This is not to be confused with wealth.  Sure you can have an abundance of wealth.  However, this brings abundance in other areas of your life.  You can ask Hotei to grant you abundance in any area of your life that you are lacking-- love, spirituality, magic, consciousness, etc.  

Benten is the goddess of all beauty.  This means physical beauty and she can grant that.  However, this also means beauty in the form of music, singing, art, literature, and anything else that can be beautiful.  As such, she can grant you excellence and help you hone in on and develop your talents. Again, she can also grant physical beauty and allure.  

Ebisu is the god of Good Fortune-- aka luck.  With this piece, good luck and good fortune will befall you.  Everything you do will be looked upon with favor. Things will work out for you.  You will no longer be haunted by bad luck and misfortune because this god will work in the good luck and big breaks you've been searching for.  Whether this means a promotion or raise or if this means being able to win that court case you've been battling. Whether this means winning big at the casino or keeping you safe and away from danger.  Ebisu grants the best of luck.  

Bishamon wears armor and carries a spear.  He holds pagoda shapes treasure box. He protects you against evil, danger, illness, possession, and anything else you can think of that might be perilous to your life.  He brings the wealth of white light. This white light will manifest in your life. If will keep you safe and it will open up doors for you and eliminate all of your obstacles.  

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