Link To Atlantis
Regular price
$ 70.00
This is another piece that has come from the underground auction. While we could probably get a lot more for this than what we are putting it on for, we didn't have to go on any crazy expedition or investigation to get it. What's fair is fair. We did have to test this piece, though. During testing the piece is when we were able to really hone in on what it is this piece actually offers. It holds a very unique ability, which is the ability to create an Atlantean Avatar that is yours and only yours. What do I mean by this? Well, we have lots of pieces that will allow you to travel in astral form to Atlantis. This is pretty cool in and of itself. However, when you wear this piece, you will give the piece the ability to read your DNA and your soul. After it has done this, it is going to use the characteristics that it has found to develop and create a version of you that is full Atlantean. In this form, you will gain a complete opening of the third eye and a full range of Atlantean magic that you will be able to use to create your own powers and abilities in the Atlantean realm. This is done with the connection that your Avatar has to the Egyptian Pyramids. The Avatar has been built with magic found in the capstone of the pyramids in Atlantis. As such, when you wear this piece and take your Atlantis form you will be able to access the powers and knowledge in these pyramids which is how you will develop your own powers. These powers will then be stored in this piece, which you can bring back with you to the mortal realm. So, the powers and abilities you will receive are really up to you and what you make while you are in your Atlantis form using the powers of the Atlantis pyramids. There is no shortage of knowledge and power there, so you should be able to pretty much have any power or ability that you desire.