Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice
Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice

Quetzalcoatl's Blood Sacrifice

Regular price $ 247.88


The piece that goes along with this listing is an antique ring about a size 8.  The stone is a beautiful red color stone.  This piece is definitely gorgeous!


This is no doubt going to be a dark piece, so if that is something that you can't stomach then I would suggest that you turn back now. I wanted to get that disclaimer out of the way before continuing because some people just aren't into that kind of thing. That's fine, but you've been warned.

In the mid, to late aughts, Mexico saw the rise of a journalist named Lydia Cacho. She has received numerous international awards recognizing her steadfast work in the war against abuse of women and children. The ideology that women and children are not worth as much as a man runs rampant in Mexico and those are her words, not mine.

One of the biggest things that she accomplished was shedding light on the child-trafficking that was going on in Mexico, many times at top governmental levels. She was unjustly imprisoned once and then she narrowly escaped an attempted assassination. This could have been at the hands of the Mexican government or the drug lords who she also worked so hard to bring down. It's anybody's guess.

The point in me telling you all this is that there is a key factor in the reasoning behind the abduction and trafficking of these children. It honestly had little to do with sexual exploitation and much more to do with the fact that these children were being offered as sacrifices to a very powerful entity known as Quetzalcoatl. This entity is a god of ancient origins, birthed in the cosmos, and sent to Earth to rule over the Mayan people of ancient times.

You may or may not find accounts of ancient sacrifices being performed to appease the appetite of Quetzalcoatl who not only drank the blood of humans but also enjoyed bathing in it. The sacrifices could also be used to bring Quetzalcoatl out of the spiritual realms where he hid and into the mortal realm. In doing so, those who summoned him could ask for anything to be granted that they desired and it would become theirs.

In ancient times this divine godform appeared to the Mayans as a great feathered serpent. After all, he is a god of cosmic origin and extreme cosmic knowledge with the ability to grant any magical ability or power that is requested of him. It is only appropriate that he should appear as a serpent, signifying his authority in knowledge and over mankind.

This is why the children were being abducted at the turn of the Century. Heck, it could be why children are being held prisoner in the basement of pizza shops, on Epstein Island, on in Wayfair cabinets, too. There are many different reasons why trafficking happens, but in this instance, these children were being used as blood sacrifices to conjure Quetzalcoatl who has once again returned to the Earth.

This time around, Quetzalcoatl does not appear as a feathered serpent. Instead, he appears as a well-poised and polished man. He deals in illegal proceedings such as embezzling and drug-trafficking. His need for blood has become pretty sparse, so human trafficking has become less of an issues and if the deity ever does need blood he simply finds it himself. He is a very rich and powerful Mexican overlord because naturally, he can grant anything for himself that he wants.

He lives in an estate that is worth millions of dollars that is typical of those movies where cops have shootouts with billionaire drug smugglers. I know he is kind of irrelevant now, but he also had ties to El Chapo at one point who actually worked beneath him in the supply chain. He goes by the name Ricardo, which has become his human alias. Very few people know his M.O. which is he simply gets things done using his magic and his ability to alter destiny. I mean, he's a god he can make things happen.

Having said all that, there are two people who are more powerful than he is. Well, I wouldn't say that they are more powerful than he is, but they are the ones that conjured him with all the blood that was acquired from the ritual sacrifices. When conjuring Quetzalcoatl they infused a spell that has given them full control over the deity, as in they leave him well enough alone, but when they call upon him to grant them things he has to listen. Point blank. Period.

The only loophole around this is if "Ricardo" ever dies and Quetzalcoatl would cease his human existence. However, he quite likes it in the mortal realm where he can manipulate humans into doing his dirty work for him, so he has remained in agreeance with their terms. If he wanted out of the arrangement he could just as easily kill himself, but he hasn't and he won't. He thrives in this environment.

The two that own Quetzalcoatl-- I honestly don't know who they are-- have placed their ability to control him in a series of pieces that the deity can be commanded with. Simply put, these pieces allow you to access the entirety of Quetzalcoatl's cosmic knowledge and all of the magic that goes along with that. When owning this piece, a person can call upon the deity at any time with their requests. There really are no bounds on what Quetzalcoatl can and will grant when one of these pieces is being used because he is bound by the spell that has called him forth to grant whatever is asked of him.

By now, I'm sure you have figured out that the item that we are offering is one of the controlling pieces of Quetzalcoatl. Don't ask how we got this piece, because I'm not at liberty to say. Just know that we have one and when wearing this piece ANYTHING is possible. All you have to do is light a candle while wearing this piece and write down what you are requesting. You will then fold this paper up and burn it as if it were incense using the flame of that very same candle. This will send the request to Quetzalcoatl and it will be granted for you. Nothing is off the table, but some things will take longer to grant tan others and that's pretty much common sense.

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