Samael's Pocket Watch and His Seventeen Jewels
The image on the front of this pocket watch is Samael. The image on the back of the pocket watch is of the angels that hunt Samael. They know that the only way to gain his full power and knowledge is to kill him. They've been given special arrows from God that have the ability to kill the angel. You might be wondering why God would want to kill one of his angels. It seems like a pretty great question, right? The fact is that Samael is not like the other angels. In fact, while he is considered one of the Seven Archangels, he is actually more of a servant of God. The fact remains that God created this angel and formed a covenant with the angel. The angel also has a covenant with God. Failure to uphold this covenant would mean worse than having to go to the Underworld and reside in the pits of Hell. It would mean to not exist, period.
The covenant that was forged between Samael and God created Samael as something called the Demiurge. In certain metaphysical and spiritual sects, the Demiurge is thought to be the creator of the materialistic world. We all know that not to be true. The truth is that the Demiurge controls time. He is the Companion of time and is often referred to as the Time Eater. He is also the Destroyer. He is the Angel of Death and would have the ability to un-create anything that he pleases; however, since he is bound to his covenant with God he can only un-create those things that God allows him to. He puts to death sinners and blasphemers and will ultimately usher in the End of Times. This is another reason why he is called the Eater of TIme, which is the entire focus of our piece.
Samael, who is the Demiurge, is half light and half dark. He condones the sins of man, but he kills in the name of God. It's complicated, but the reason that he is dual is that he eats all time and knowledge. He has eyes in many places and while God sees all things through the Universal Eye of God, the Demiurge consumes all of time. The proper answer to, "Oh, dear, where did the time go?," would most appropriately be answered as such-- Samael ate it. Of course, he doesn't really eat the times, but as time passes he consumes it. He ingests the knowledge of time as it slips like grains of sand through our fingers. He sees all things. He records all things. The Akashic Record of Time is simply his memory, where he stores and records all that he consumes.
Thus, he is filled with good, evil, bad, holy, dual, and everything in between. He knows all magic because he has consumed and absorbed it. Thus, he is the demiurge, because while God has created all things, Samael has the same ability to create things. His contract with God keeps his creativity at bay and always will, simply because the moment the covenant is broken Samael ceases to exist. He is nearly as powerful as God, but there is nothing that he can do to really use those powers outside of what God allows him to do. So, while he is an angel, he is more of a dual angel and exists only at the mercy of what God tells him to do. However, God created him that way. He needed a destroyer angel and somebody to keep time that would show no apathy for humankind. This is to keep the balance between good and evil.
This piece was given to Deedee from a longtime friend of hers. They have gone on investigations together and everything. It wasn't a piece that she gave Deedee to keep, but a piece that she instructed Deedee to sell because they don't get into selling items much. They just go on investigation for the thrill of going on them. This piece was found somewhere in Jerusalem during the unearthing of a secret temple. Actually, it was the outskirts of Jerusalem. The department of antiquities hasn't released information on the location yet, but I'm thinking the might very soon. This piece was found in the Hall of Samael and the funny thing while this piece is definitely an antique it doesn't look to be old enough to be found in the unearthing of an ancient temple. So, I'm not really sure how it got there, but it was found there. It's quite possible that it was put there by modern-day occultists who have discovered the secrets of Samael.
The Temple itself is in designation to Samael. It exonerates him as the Demiurge and the most powerful of angels, which up until this point we definitely thought was Michael. Then again, it still could be Michael, considering he was created with an outstanding covenant. Either way, this piece holds the presence of Samael. When Deedee was using this piece, she said that she all of a sudden found herself in this Great Chamber. The chamber was in the shapen of an octagon. On the wall of the chamber were seventeen candles of varying colors. Each of the flames held one of the sacred powers of Samael. These correspond to the seventeen jewels that come with this piece. In the center of the chamber there is a throne and upon this throne sits Samael. He is an energy rather than an actual form and has the ability to take any form. He appeared to Deedee as an energetic form with a human head. He spoke to her and told her what his 17 ancient powers were and told her how to activate them. He told her that the pocket watch that she had possession of was a sacred vessel. Within this vessel are obviously his seventeen sacred powers. Also, this vessel holds the power to travel back and forth and in and out of time. The vessel holds the ability to pause time for a few seconds. This makes sense because Samael controls time.
This piece is extremely powerful because it gives you these 17 ancient and very powerful forms of magic, in addition to the time-control. Obviously, the time-traveling will be an astral thing. If you want to stop time for a few seconds all you have to do is open and close the pocket watch, but you have to have that connection with Samael first. So, in order to receive the same kind of vision that Deedee did with this piece, you will need to meditate with it. You will also meditate with it in order to time-travel. There's one more ability you will get with this piece and this is to see through the eyes of Samael and to know what he knows. This is undaunted wisdom and the ability to know all that there ever was or is to know. It's just pure uninhibited wisdom. Sure this comes with the ability to create your own magic, but moreover, it comes with the wisdom of the universe so that way you will know the secrets to existence and the answers to things such as the meaning of life and what will happen at the End of Times. I am not able to tell you the 17 ancient powers of Samael, that is something you have to find out for yourself. However, these are very powerful abilities. I have not experienced these powers myself, but Deedee has seen them and has felt them and she told me that it is powerful that is unlike anything she's felt in a long time. So, I would wager that you don't want to miss out on having this type of power.
Once every cosmic year, God releases angels that wish to take Samael's place. He gives them special arrows that are capable of killing the Angel. He just can't be the one to do it because of the covenant that he made with Samael. Thus far the angels in conquest, the ones that are seen on this watch have not been able to oust Samael and gain his powers. However, the hunt will remain once every cosmic year. With this piece, you won't have to go on the hunt, because it holds and it brings all the powers of Samael that you could ever want. Again, this piece is an antique and it is quite powerful. If you are a collector, or even if you are just starting out, this piece is not one that you are going to want to miss out on, I can guarantee you that.