Shards of the Prizmatique
Shards of the Prizmatique
Shards of the Prizmatique
Shards of the Prizmatique
Shards of the Prizmatique

Shards of the Prizmatique

Regular price $ 43.77
We were on an astral journey when we first got this piece. We had used an item that allowed us to travel to the ancient Mesopotamian Pyramid. We have listed items from the pyramid before and they have all sold out very quickly. This is yet another piece from our journey. Only this piece almost didn't make it.

There are different kinds of astral travel. Some are exclusively spiritual and your hands will pass right through anything that you touch. Then, there is astral travel where you actually become part of your surroundings. This is the kind of astral joureny we were on when we went to the Meso Pyramids. I only tell you this, because you need to understand how I was able to knock something over and have it break into a tiny pieces. Yeah, I did that... in a pyramid... with very powerful artifacts. It's all good though, because we were able to bring those pieces with us, have them shapend and then made itno this necklace.

We call this piece Shards of the Prizmatique. The Prizmatique is a realm that looks exactly like the reflections of light you see when you see this necklace. The relic that I smashed gave us the ability to enter this realm. In this realm there is a white light voice. Anything tha tyou imagine with your mind can come true. It doesn't matter whether you want to fly with your own wings or whether you want to be seven stories tall, or whether you want to encounter angels and djinn. You can do (literally) whatever comes to your mind.

The best part about this is that if you think of a power or ability while in the Prizmatique, you will be able to bring that power or ability back with you because it will be soaked up by the piece you are wearing, meaning it can also be manifested in real life. Having said that, this piece will not allow you to be seven stories tall in real life, so you've gotta kind of use your common sense. The magic with this piece only appliest to magic and abilities you create OR it can capture entities that you create and will allow you to summon them from the mortal realms.

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