The Ica Stones, Youtube
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We have used the original piece from this description to make five smaller vials filled with bits of the Ica stones. I have included a copy of the original description but as always, make sure you check out the youtube video for exclusive details and what went down during testing. Here's the link:
This piece goes above and beyond what is known about Robert Oppenheimer. What is known is that he was a very celebrated American Theoretical Physicist whose intelligence rivals even that of Albert Einstein. He has contributed greatly to many areas of science, but one of his most famous works was an unclassified Top Secret document. This document was a co-op that he worked on with Albert Einstein and the minds of the two of these gentlemen just blew everything out of the water. This writing was on the "Relationship with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies", and the six-page document is the first time the phrase Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities was ever used. In short, these entities were of extra-terrestrial origins, but were living, breathing, had intelligence and could communicate.
You can do your research on the matter yourself if you want to. This document is not what I am here to discuss. Rather, I'm here to discuss the secret life of Rober Oppenheimer. It's the life that he did not allow even his closest colleagues to find out about it. Instead, he had a select few friends to whom he divulged this secret. Unfortunately, when he passed away some of these friends entered into an agreement with top government officials. They sold him out for money, which is a really nasty thing to do. But you know what they say, there's no enemy like a best friend.
Either way, Robert had a secret life where he was actually making contact with the EBE's on a regular and consistent basis. He was in contact with them so much that he was actually able to secure source of alien DNA that he used by infusing it with his own body. This gave incredible abilities including full psychic awakening, the ability to communicate with foreign races of extraterrestrials in thought form, the ability create matter and life in the palm of his hands, the ability to travel in time, advanced alien healing, extreme protection from all parasitic and dark entities, and the ability to be able to see and identify other alien races on Earth in their human form disguises AKA the Reptilian race.
Eventually, Mr. Oppenheimer became so powerful in his ability that he was able to create pieces that were infused with alien DNA simply by holding them in the palm of his hands. He created a few of these pieces, but unfortunately his backstabbing cohort-- or maybe just one of them-- sold him out to the government as soon as he passed away. I'm sure he's rolling in his grave at the thought of the government having his power. He always stayed one step ahead of them and never allowed them to know the full capabilities of his power. He basically told them what he wanted to know and had them dangling on a string.
Either way, most of these items were sold to CIA or FBI, or maybe NASA, I'm not sure which. There are still a very few that are left circulating out there in the masses of people on Earth. Some are held in by the ranks of secret societies such as the Freemason, but not this one. We have this one and we are making it available to you. It will give you the same power that Robert Oppenheimer had before he died, minus the ability to create more alien DNA piece. Even without this ability, this piece is unconventional and extremely powerful. It's not something that you are going to want to miss out on.