This piece holds the knowledge of the Magi of Zoroastrianism which is most of any magic you would want. This type or types of magic includes all types of spells and casting, conjurings and calling of help through the use of the spirit world. This also includes the manipulation and full understanding of astrology, witchcraft, and secret rituals. This piece also works and helps with the use of herbs and health issues. This necklace also will help with the use of gemstones and what they can offer you. Spells, incantations, magical words and the ancient texts are all included in this piece.
How do you use it?
For one if you don't know what type of magic to use to obtain the outcome you seek this will for sure help you. You can just wear it and speak what you need. If you want to use a certain type of magic then you can do that too.
Here are a few examples.
If you wanted to blend two astrological symbols to get along and remove squares you can wear this and call on that intention and power.
If you were in need of wealth you could call on the spirits of abundance, luck and ancient secrets of wealth to get what you need. You can do this even if you are not sure of the type of magic.
If you wanted to learn the practice of proper mediumship this would also help you telepathically.
To heal yourself you would also wear it and call on whatever would do the healing. Again you don't need to know the type of magic.
This was done by a traveler who placed all the different types of occult magic into the piece because she loved the way it looked on her. She did a bunch of them so she could wear them according to what she was wearing that day.