The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet
The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet

The Scorpion Stone and the Magic of Serqet

Regular price $ 438.88


The piece that we are offering embodies the powers and the magic of one of the most prolific rulers that ever existed.  The truth is that not much is known about him as far as the scientific community is concerned and the king was almost forgotten about until a hit movie during which he was portrayed by Deedee's favorite, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnsonn.  In case you didn't know who I was talking about, I was talking about the Scorpion King.  

There are two Scorpion Kings to be exact, but this piece only deals with the first one, who is way less known than the second.  The fact still remains that he is the more powerful of the two.  We only know this because we actually got to experience this piece firsthand when we were testing it.  These are unrivaled powers that come from the gods, as the Scorpion King was chosen by the goddess Serqet who is the ancient goddess of magic and ambassador of the gods to the rulers of the land.  

The First Scorpion King lived in Thinis around 3200 BC.  He is surrounded by so much mystery that nobody really seems to know when his reign began, if he was a native Egyptian, or if he was a foreigner.  Only one thing is for sure.  He was extremely powerful.  

The earliest mention of this king can be attributed to an archaeological find at Gebel Tjauti.  Called the Gebel Tjauti Tableau, it's a rock panel depicting a military victory over the Naqada kingdom.

The King's tomb is one of the oldest in Abydos.  It has been described as an archaeological heaven for researchers who seek the true story of a forgotten king.  It is decorated with an ivory scepter and ivory plaques, but that was not all that was found at the dig site.  We can properly attest to this fact given that we have this piece in the first place.  Something else was found there.  It's called the Scorpion Stone.  

The Scorpion Stone is one that has been kept from the eye of the general public simply because it holds a vast and powerful magic.  The stone itself is a fossilized scorpion held within an amber stone and was a gift from the goddess Serqet to her chosen ruler Scorpion I.  This piece embodies the magic of Serqet and the Scorpion King, but mostly two things.  This is the precognition of the pyramids that were yet to come and her ability to grant the Scorpion King what he asked for.  

The Scorpion Stone was created way before the pyramids were even thought of.  Having said that, Serqet was a goddess of magic and had good foresight.  She was able to give the Scorpion I knowledge and visions of these pyramids before they ever even existed.  This means that he received the entirety of the knowledge and the magic that has ever been or will ever be embodied by the pyramids.  This is a complete knowledge of all power and all magic that is held within the pyramid.  When you receive this power via the piece we are offering, you gain the ability to manifest any knowledge and any power or magic that dwells in the pyramid.  This piece will give you a psychic connection that will make it possible.  

Second, Serqet gave her chosen king the ability call upon her at any time for all things.  She is the goddess of magic.  As such, she knows and is akin to all types of magic.  when you use this aspect of the piece, you will develop a psychich bond to Serqet that will allow you to request magic from her, which she will manifest for you because that's what she does-- she is the goddess of magic.  

The piece you are getting is NOT the Scorpion Stone, as we were not able to keep it in our possession forever.  However, we have a piece that embodies all of its original powers.  This piece is watermelon tourmaline and sterling silver.  It is a beautiful piece and highly energetic.  It has the ability grant just about anything that you could possibly think about due to the two powers that have been transferred into from the Scorpion stone.  

Additionally, this piece will give you a psychic awakening and connection the minds of the pharaohs, since they were bonded together as one eternal ruler that passed on generation through generation.  It was the eternal spirit of the Pharaoh that was passed down through the ages who kept reappearing as different mortal forms.  You will gain his presence and you will be able to see through the minds and eyes of the many Pharaohs, not only to acquire their magic, but also to know their magic and to gain their connection to the gods. 

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