The Shiwanna Rain
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$ 88.88
The Shiwanna were cloud people who visited the Pueblo Native Americans. Supposedly these beings came from the underworld and caused it to rain, although I have my doubts. It never fails to amaze me how powerful the Native Americans were. Then again, with the fact that these people were really in sync with both the land and the sky, I suppose it should really come as no surprise. However, I really do think that these people missed the mark on this one. I think that they had the right idea. The Shiwanna did make it rain on their villages. This rain did bring them crops and abundance, however, I do not think that these were beings from the Underworld. In fact, after testing this piece, I can assuredly tell you that they are not from the Underworld. I can also tell you that there is more that rain that they brought to the Pueblo peoples than they realized.
Without getting to distracted with the details, I want to be certain to convey that that water we used to make this piece was water that was brought to earth by the Shiwanna. In fact, there is a whole lake of water in New Mexico that is derived of nothing but these waters. You will never be able to find the lake by yourself. I had to hire a guide to take me there and even if you go down asking for a kind to take you the lake of Shiwannawaters, they are going to look at you like you have three heads, because they try their hardest to preserve their secrets from the "white man," which is what they called me while I was there-- well, that and Pale Face. It was all in love.
Either way, these waters have proven to be fruitful in the making of this piece. However, it is not spiritual beings from the Underworld that this piece conjures, which is why I think that the Pueblo people kind of missed the mark on this one. Rather, this water and this piece hold the powers of an extraterrestrial group of beings that have descended upon Earth from some faraway realm, wishing only to share their vast wealth of knowledge with the humans on Earth. Well, way to go humans, you're getting gifts for free and you still don't know it. Space 1. Humans 0.
When you wear the piece, it will be as if you drank the Shiwanna rainwater, which is healing water at the very least. It will give you a full chakra alignment and will open up your third eyes, upon which will be set a reflection of the entire universe and its existence. Think of it as Google Maps, Universe Edition... for your brain. You will be given a map of existence that will exist inside your mind. You can literally use it see glimpses of the entire universe and the powers that held within. This piece will not bring you any of those powers, but rather you will have to go searching for them on your own, which is part of the splendor and excitement of this piece. It gives you the power to see the universe within your own mind, while also traveling it within your own mind, to find the powers that you have always wanted. Or maybe you never wanted them at all, but I guarantee that once you find them you will be singing a completely different tune. This piece opens up worlds of powers that are beyond anything you've ever experienced.
These are all real gemstones.