Thirteen Gates of Cosmic Consciousness and Evolution
Thirteen Gates of Cosmic Consciousness and Evolution
Thirteen Gates of Cosmic Consciousness and Evolution

Thirteen Gates of Cosmic Consciousness and Evolution

Regular price $ 175.00



If you are into celestial powers and the powers of the Cosmos then this piece is definitely the one that you want to take home with you. It is a gorgeous piece that is sterling silver and what looks like dark blue crushed stone. This piece isn’t just easy on the eyes, it’s very powerful as well. It holds the ancient magic of 13 strategically aligned Menhirs in a small Swiss town called Leonard.  



The menhirs mentioned were constructed by the ancient inhabitants of the land and date back to the Neolithic period. More importantly, they have been imbued with the magic of the ancients who once lived there. This magic is celestial magic that we like to call the thirteen gates of Cosmic Consciousness, but you can call them whatever you’d like.  



The fact is, that each of the stones holds a level of celestial energy that is slightly greater than the last. Each one is a gate or level of consciousness that is achieved by the person who is accessing the magic. Once that level is mastered, the participant is able to move onto the next gate, which releases even more celestial energy into the subconscious, which takes them closer and closer to full awakening and state of cosmic consciousness that allows them to access what I called the cosmic brain.  



Some of you who have been with us for a while will be acquainted with the Cosmic Brain. Some of you may not be acquainted, so allow me to recap. The Comic Brain is a center of knowledge that exists in the center of the universe. It is the place where thoughts and feelings go after they have been thought and felt. It is like a giant cloud that stores all of our memories and feelings, so that way they can be accessed by our minds later.  



We are all connected to this giant cosmic brain, which explains why some people get feelings of deja vu, or why people suffering head trauma wake up and can play classical masterpieces on the piano or speak seventeen languages. It is a share, collective consciousness where all knowledge has been stored. Thus, being able to access it allows you to acquire whatever knowledge you want, even magical knowledge. That folks is what we are after.  



When using this piece you can acquire any knowledge or magical skill that you desire. All you have to do is use this piece and allow it to change your consciousness. Travel through the Thirteen Gates of Cosmic Consciousness, and then guide your astral being toward the power or ability that you want by meditating upon it. It really is that simple and this piece really is that powerful.  




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