Barbara Cartland's Bracelet of Romantic Fame
Barbara Cartland's Bracelet of Romantic Fame

Barbara Cartland's Bracelet of Romantic Fame

Regular price $ 700.00 Sale price $ 250.00


If you don't know who Barbara Cartland is you should look her up. She wrote romantic fiction that were best sellers. Barbara was also into the mystical and this bracelet is said to be a white light fairy ring. This is what she used in life to get where she wated to be in all areas, not just her book fame. She used the itte fairies that live in these crystals for wealth, beauty, great romantic life and her own creativity. I have had this bracelet for years and I it gets hard to use everything. I have a lot of items from very well known celebrities but you just can't keep them all. You don't have to want to write a book to use this. You just have to want better things and a better life.

The fairies that I have spoken to that live in these crystals are 

Vara Lana, Lanie Vivi, those two are twins. Also you have Hari Bloom, Ginger Lulu, Mathilda Tulip, Safron Allie, Crystal Queen, Branc Rollins, Sylvia Della and Morris Vert.

These Fairies are caring, loving, blah blah blah. Seriously though they are extremely helpful and powerful in the magic they use to help you.

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