This is what we call the lucky fish. This one celebrity collected magical items that brought them wealth because they loved to gamble. I have three different videos of winning with this piece. That night about 4 days ago I won a total of 1,700.00 I think I won more but I was putting some back, a lot back. I took only 100.00 with me and gained over 2,000 points so that is saying something. This was at the golden nugget on a Monday. I won on every machine I played and have video's of all of them if anyone wants more proof.
This sterling silver fish belonged to Zsa Zsa Gabor and if you don't know who that is, look her up! She was quite a charactor that is for sure. She took no crap but she loved to gamble. When she got this fish she also got two musical notes in sterling for one of her friends daughters but it never made it so they are up for sale too. All of the pieces are in sterling silver.
This fish has been tested many times but I tested it all night long because I didn't want to give it up. I really don't like to gamble because I find it boring unless I'm playing at the tables but due to all my winnings they have chased me out on a warrant not to come back, NO LIE!!! They even tried to keep my car one day. I took to going in with wigs on and then other things but I keep getting caught. They only leave me alone if I play slots. So... the lucky person wlll get this piece and think, this is still a sale time. You are already lucky!!
Here is the Youtube link but please keep in mind we were all drinking!