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$ 333.33
I love history and learning about different cultures or groups of people. The Celts are some of the fascinating people I have recently read about in more depth. I got a piece linked to them and in doing research I learned quite a bit which also comes into play with this item. For those who don't know the Celts had a spiritual kinship to nature especially groves or orchard. This item was found in a fig orchard in Aydin, Turkey. We were on vacation doing multiple country tours and during our trip to Turkey, we decided to see a fig grove. The trees were in full bloom of purple and green figs and it just looked amazing. As we were leaving I turned to get one last photo and something caught my eye. I went over and there was this interesting item just laying on the ground. I asked the workers if it had belonged to anyone and they asked around and no one had seen it before. They said it was a gift from Mother Goddess and a wonderful souvenir from our tour.
Like with every item I find I always test it. This piece took a little more digging because of it being from an area of the country I am not very familiar with. When you hear of Celts you also might hear of their sacrifices and how some of them did human sacrifices. This item ended up coming from a girl that was sacrificed. She was a willing participant as she was deranged and said was being haunted. Because she was willing to give her life to end the torture from this evil spirit her soul went into the metal of this piece. It was found and later stones were added.
Because this piece holds the soul of this girl you can feel the heat of her pain when you wear it. It will not burn you or hurt you in any way but it is a way for her to tell you she is there to protect you from evil. And that is exactly what you get. The protection from any evil spirits, evil curses, or any dark magic near you. Your soul will have a force around it that nothing can penetrate.
I want to make it very clear about this piece. The metal is what was found that holds all teh magic. The clear stones were added later and they do more then ward off evil. This piece was made by a Druid female with high blood line and superior magical ability. When you wear this ALL the energy that comes near you bad or good is processed. So if you have negative or evil come at you all that power is charged to you, this is the battery and you are the machine. The energy coming at you will NEVER be evil to you but pure power instead. This can charge you and will charge you as well as all the pieces around you all while keeping the evil off of you and giving you more ability. This is a awesome occult piece that combines the supernatural with the mysterious! The magical power you can pick up just wearing this is what is amazing!