Regular price $ 88.88


This is a odd one for sure! This comes from a friend of mine who is on Facebook and sells rare antique furniture. The store is down RT 40 in New Jersey. I have known them forever and got a cat from them. One day I was in there buying a few things for my house and we got to talking about what I do. I told him I sell haunted and paranormal items online and offline out of my house. He said you know I have to tell you about the strangest experience I ever had in Egypt. He goes there often because he buys a ton of stuff there and the gets it shipped here. They are great people and take care of a lot of stray cats.

He began to tell me of djinn and the went right into his experience climbing the Great Pyramid. He said just touching the stones feels strange and magical and I told him I know! It is like touching something alien. So anyway he says he climbing on the pyramid or up to it, I forget and he says he goes blind and hears the term alien black box and then he is shown a coffin like thing with these alien boxes in it. He said he was shown  these snakes all around the boxes but that they had a intelligence to them and spoke human language. He said he swore someone slipped him something but he knew that wasn't true. He said he felt like he was stading in one place forever and yet he was only there for a few seconds. When he was done he came down because he was really just sight seeing after buying furniture. As he was walking from the pyramid there is a stand where you buy a ticket and it is flithy!! Egypt is not a clean place! I know because I have been there. So he is walking past the little ticket stand and the guy reaches out to him and hands him this snake bracelet and he says to him I see the greatest compliment was paid to you but Repairious, here is a gift.  He tells him to use it and then pass it because everyone can use the DNA of the hidden machine. Now when he tells me this I'm like Hidden machine?!? WTF is that? At this point we are sitting on the front porch of the store slinging back water because it is hot. I'm petting cats but all I can think of is can I see this piece. I ask because why not! He tells me he has been greatly enlightened and that I can have it because of all I bought from him and the fact of what I sold and was into anyway. He thought it was something I would appreciate and I did!

In my experience with the piece I have learned some things that blew my mind. I kinda of wondered about certain things anyway but to hear of a hidden machine I never heard that before. So apparently this hidden machine is the lost magic of the aliens who are very inteligent creatures and who communicated with the kings of Egypt before the pyramids were ever built.

This magic includes the creature of other beings, going to the heavens of certain agelic beings, technology and inventions and ancient language even. This is basically a mystery solver and IQ booster. If your seeking something for your IQ or to be able to control all situations around you then this is for you. If you have serious situations were people are mesing with you this will take care of them. This is a dual magical piece. A person needs to be responsible using it. This is not just about getting what you want but about becoming a extraordinary person of serious magical ability who can pull from the most ancient and hidden of magics. This piece is missing one stone.

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