The Human Swap
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$ 3,200.00
There really is no way to segway into this conversation, so I'm just going to get right down to it. Everything that you think you know about Roswell is wrong. Well, I wouldn't say that it is wrong. It's just that there is more than you didn't know. How do I know that you didn't know? Because we didn't even know until recently. It seems that there was also a second Crash in Roswell. The Second Crash in Roswell was the ticket to discovering exactly what was found in the first crash. This is because there was actually a live EBE (extraterrestrial biological entity) found in the second crash. By the time officials were able to reach the remote crash site in New Mexico the EBE nearly died, but it was fixed up after being transported to Los Alamos research center. It was later transferred to Area 51 in Nevada, where it gave researchers a great amount of knowledge about what they had found in the previous crash. This knowledge was imperative in establishing a connection with other aliens like this from the home planet. This was accomplished via a communication device that works kind of like a black box in an airplane, except it works two ways.
Eventually, this communication device was used to welcome an entire brigade of EBE commanders to Earth. I don't know if that is what they were called on their planet, but that is what they looked like so that is what I'm calling them. They were sent to liaise between Earth and the EBE home planet. What ended up transpiring was an exchange program. The EBE's receive 12 specially vetted and highly experienced Army personnel in exchange for one EBE entity. This might seem a bit unfair, but really it's not. Consider the fact that the EBE held ancient magic not just because his civilization has kept these types of magic recorded, but because he is old enough to have actually lived through the times where these forms of magic were discovered. I mean, the alien was ancient. We don't have anything to compare it to, that's how ancient the alien was. It's still alive to this day. He is no longer on Earth. He was sent back when we got most of our team back. By most, I mean 8 of them. By the account of the returnees, two of the military personnel died while in service on the EBE planet. Two decided the didn't want to return. Eight came back. They were gone for a total of ten years. This gave our government 10 years with the EBE to develop all kinds of technology. Not to mention, the 8 returnees did not come back empty handed.
In fact, the only reason I am telling you all this is because we have one of the artifacts that were brought back by the returnees. We got this piece from somebody that we know that works inside of the Pentagon, which is evidently where the artifacts ended up. Yeah, there was a problem when the government realized they came up short-handed, but it wasn't any worse than the time that there was $82 Million missing from the Pentagon and Donald Rumsfeld was all like "Oops!" So, they eventually got over it. Besides, their carelessness is our gain and this piece is not something that you are going to want to miss out on. The magic that it holds is extraordinary. It will give you the heightened awareness and cosmic conscious that you have always wanted. This means that your mind will be opened up. No longer will there be a subconscious and conscious part of your brain, but your subconscious will be woken up and the two entities will exist as one called the collective conscious. Your individual collective conscious will then coincide with the broader collective consciousness of the universe.
What does this mean for you? Well, for starters you will become highly intelligent. You will know things just to know them. I'm talking about like second Double Jeopardy-type questions. The knowledge of the entire universe exists within the collective consciousness because it is where the consciousness of all living entities exists and where all knowledge lives. I mean you will truly know things that you didn't even know were possible to know. You will know why the Earth is 93 million miles away from the Sun. Yes, it has to do with sacred numerology. You will know things from across the universe that couldn't possibly be known by another human entity unless they have received the same type of awakening that you have. This means they have either worked for the government or have been in contact with aliens of their own accord. This is pretty proprietary magic we're talking about. No matter what the question is, the answer will manifest itself in your mind and you will be right 100% of the time. It's just how the collective conscious works. It's the knowledge of beings sentient, living, and dead. It is pure knowledge and the collection of everything that every being has ever known. This takes me to my next point.
This piece holds the knowledge of every single magical power that has ever taken place. It holds all vampiric powers. It holds all white light and dark magic powers. It holds all divine powers. It holds alien powers. It holds powers from places that we don't even have a name for. You will share thoughts with the gods and all types of entities because if they have a conscious to think with, their thoughts have become part of the collective conscious and you will be able to use their magical powers. It's as simple as that. If you think of something that you want to be able to use, it will manifest in your mind and it will be there for your taking. I guess to really experience how extraordinarily powerful this piece is, you'll just have to use it, but I'll tell you this much. I have used this piece. It is one of the most powerful pieces that I have encountered in my entire time working for Haunted Curiosities.
This is the original piece and is sterling silver with Amethyst.