Angelic Audiomancy
This set of earrings is a by-product of the angel pendulum that we recently showed the world on HCTV. We forgot to mention this, but before we offered the pendulum for sale we used the pendulum to call upon an angel guide who led us to the Garde of Eden. The angel guided showed us many things, including the Tree of Life and the Book of Names. We even came home with a manuscript that taught us how to create audiomancy pieces that will allow communication with the angels in Heaven.
Audiomancy is the ability to hear psychically. In this particular, the audiomancy used allows the user to hear the voices of angels. Not only does this piece give you the de facto white light protection associated with angels, but it allows you to call upon whichever angels you desire. You will be given the ability to ask questions in thought form. These questions will be answered and will come as a voice inside of your head that only you will be able to hear.
What kind of questions can you ask the angels? You can ask any questions that you have regarding spirituality or the magic that is hidden in the Bible. You can ask them to give you directions on creating white light magical powers or spells. You can ask them to give you guidance for the future so you can obtain the things that you want. You can pretty much ask them anything and they will give you the answer.