Phoenix Birthing Egg
Regular price
$ 38.00
We call this piece the Phoenix Egg because it holds a power that will allow you to birth a Phoenix. Once you birth the Phoenix, it will imprint on you. It will come to know you as its owner and its true protector. As such, it will devote not just its life, but ALL of its lives to bringing you the wealth that you want. You must be patient while your phoenix learns the ins and outs of retrieving wealth. I'd say give it a few weeks before you start seeing real results with the phoenix. Once he gets the hang of things, there is no telling the masses of wealth that he will be able to bring you to you. The best part about this phoenix that since he is going to imprint on you, he will continue to bring you wealth powers, even in the afterlife. They will simply be translated into whatever wealth means there. He is a very loyal companion and will definitely change your life for the better through the wealth he will bring you.