16 Immortal Fairy Bloodlines
Please be aware that from 7/11 - 7/21 Lindy, our shipper, will be away. Shipping will not be done between these dates. Shipping will resume as usual after she returns.
Before modern times, fairies and other magical beings existed on Earth. They lived peacefully until humanity got greedy for their magic and began trying to kill them off in order to gain their magic. Unfortunately, as greed overtook humanity, they fairies were forced to create a realm apart where they could live in peace. Many of them had died, but the sixteen elder fairies were successfully able to save their bloodlines by moving them to the realm they had created.
This piece does not come from our realm, it comes from the fairy realm. Although this piece seems fairly new, this piece is ageless. This is possible because time exists differently in the fairy realm. It is as if all time has ceased to exist and the fairies just live out their indefinite, immortal fairy lives with their fairy magic. This piece was created by the 16 fairy elders, who are the 16 original fairies from whom all other fairies were created.
This piece holds the powers of the 16 Fairy Bloodlines, as they have been preserved by the Elders. Each of the 16 white squares on this piece represent the 16 Fairy Tribes and all of their powers. This piece holds all fairy magic from psychic awakening to white light healing, to astral travel. From the ability the enchant minds to the knowledge of white light spells and incantations. This piece literally does it all. It was created to know all fairy powers and magic. With this piece, you even gain the presence of a fairy guide who will guide you along your quest.