This piece is a dazzling sterling and rose quartz bracelet. Though I have to say, the power in this piece is more impressive than its beauty. The rose quartz that this piece is made out of isn't just any rose quartz. It is rose quartz from a cave that is called the Temple of Ages. During the Great Flood when the Watchers knew that they were going to die due to the rising waters, the rescinded into a cave, named in the Temple of Ages, and transferred all of their magic into the cave. The result was that the rock that made up the cave was all turned into Rose Quartz. The Watchers are the 200 Fallen Angels that rose up in rebellion against God and were kicked out of Heaven, forced to live on Earth. When they got to Earth, they had relations with mortal women and their offspring were called the Nephilim. You know the rest of the story with the Great Flood and dying off of a breed.
This Rose Quartz piece is so amazing because it holds the fierce power of 200 Fallen Angels. They are the 200 Watchers talked about in the Book of Enoch. Each one of them presents you with a different type of magic or different power. When I first used this piece I was able to develop a telepathic connection to the piece. The 200 Watchers speak to you with one voice. Through the connection, you develop with this piece you will be able to relay the powers that you want. There are 200 of them, one of the angels is bound to be able to give the power that you want. Remember, they are fallen angels so they don't speak with the authority of God anymore, but that doesn't mean that they aren't powerful. Examples of the types of powers that these angels can give you wealth, granting miracles, opening up spirit doors to different places, calling upon the forces of nature, spiritual healing, karma cleansing, chakra alignment, I mean the list is pretty impressive. The best part is that when you are wearing this piece all you have to do is ask and the 200 Watchers, all with ancient secret magic of God, will make sure you get what you have asked for.