Absolutely Gorgeous 14k Bracelet With Unusual Real Stones. A True Flasher; The Powers and Magic of the Original Golden Capstones of the Pyramids
Let's have a conversation about the pyramids. There are many things about the pyramids that we have told you and we have offered many pieces that hold the magic and the powers of the pyramids. However, it wasn't until recently, when we got this piece, that we really understood the full powers of the pyramid and what it has to offer. We knew that the pyramids were powerful before, but this piece just puts it into a whole new perspective.
We've often told you about how the capstones of the pyramids have been hidden by the Illuminati. The Illuminati cloak the capstones of the pyramids so that energy that is there can only be seen by those who have received an awakening that gives them the necessary state of mind to be able to see them. These capstones hold various ancient powers and ancient magic that can be used for whatever purposes they are to be used for. These are very powerful forms of magic and we have long thought that the capstones that were set on top of the pyramids were original capstones of the pyramids.
This piece puts a new perspective on that theory. In fact, it's not even about a perspective. I'll tell you exactly how it went. The capstones that are on the pyramids now, the ones that are hidden from the human eye are not the ones that were on the pyramids when they were brought to Earth from the extraterrestrial lifeforms that brought them here. These capstones were solid gold. The ones that are there now were replacements by the Illuminati. They attempted to recreate the original capstones and failed. Don't get me wrong-- what they created is a very powerful attempt to recreate the original thing, but it’s not nearly the same thing.
So, then what happened to the original capstones of the pyramid? In ancient times, around the turn of the first century A.D. the capstones were removed from the pyramids. It has long been thought that these capstones were confiscated by grave robbers, but this is not the case. They were magically removed by a group of very powerful individuals called the Immortal 8. This was not a bid by the Immortal 8 to control the magic of the pyramids, even though they do. Rather, the golden capstones were taken from the pyramids for the good of the people on Earth. Just think of how much magic can be used haphazardously and selfishly so as it is. Now multiply this by 1000s of times. The magic of the pyramids could have very easily been used to destroy the Earth if it had fallen into the wrong hands. This is why the Immortal 8 has removed the capstones and has hidden them in an undisclosed location.
The capstones are like a very magical key that opens the doors to a world full of power and magic. Sure, the pyramids hold magic so as it is, but the golden capstone is what makes them even more powerful. It unlocks the full potential of the pyramid. This is because the golden capstone isn’t made from gold that has come from Earth. Rather, it is energetically and metaphysically charged. It was brought here from the extraterrestrial lifeform that brought the pyramids in the first place. It holds a direct connection to the Sun, Stars, and the rest of the universe. The Sun is the all-seeing eye. It holds the knowledge and magic of the galaxy, which is why the planets and all other things orbit the Sun. This golden capstone drew the powers from the Sun, feeding this knowledge to the pyramids.
In ancient times, the golden capstones would light up at night, so bright that they were like a star in the sky. Hidden objects and writings would appear on the wall that would be written down by scribes and placed into a secret collection in the Library of Alexandria. These writings were ancient forms of magic that were fed to humanity through the pyramids by way of the golden capstones. Deedee has been working on a project and has bee trying to crack the case of these mysterious writings that have gone missing, but what she has come up with instead is way better than anything we could have imagined. It is an actual bracelet that has been created with the gold that was brought to Earth.
Now, Deedee had to do a lot of work to get this piece. This included having to travel to Egypt, which she did a few years back. I think we made something up about her having to go somewhere else because we don’t always like to tell people where our investigations are going on because we get enough interference so as it is. However, she has stood before the Immortal 8, who are ancient beings that dwell in the desert. They are not affected by things like heat as a human would be. This is because they are highly magical beings. Their entire existence is based upon the golden capstones, which they have hidden in the desert with them. Don’t go looking, you will never find them. Deedee had to perform rituals in order to summon them and this was after already being in the desert. She then had to go through other rituals to prove she was worthy. One of these included being laid out on a slab for three days without drinking any food or water. It was a pretty grueling process-- especially given how much we love our food. However, this is what we do to offer the best.
She said the Immortal 8 kind of looked like humans, but not really. They had bloodshot eyes and paper skin that looked like it might tear if the wind blew too hard. They spoke a secret language amongst themselves and appeared to her seats around the largest golden capstone. They often consulted the capstone for answers, which gave them the opinions and knowledge of the universe. When she was finally awarded this piece, the Immortal 8 began chantings. The capstone began to glow a white-gold color. Tendrils of energy began shooting from the capstone that Deedee described as looking like a solar flare. The capstone began to vibrate, calling to the universe, and stars began falling from the sky, but they didn’t hit the earth. They hovered above the capstone and were intertwined with solar flare energies. As Deedee watched, this piece was formed from 20 stars that fell out of the sky, with energies from the capstones. It was then presented to her by the Immortal 8 who congratulated her on her resilience.
Once the piece had cooled down, it was evident that this piece was made from the same gold the capstones were made from and the stars turned into the stones that you see. This piece is made with 14K gold, to be exact and when you wear it you are essentially wearing the golden capstone on your wrist. What will this do for you? Just as the ancient pyramids were being fed knowledge and magic from the all-seeing eye, so will you. This is a direct feeding of energy from the universe into your own mind. Just as the capstone used to feed energy, knowledge, and magic into the pyramid, you will be enlightened with these things that will be fed into your mind. You will be able to close your eyes, meditate, and reach into the knowledge of the universe. You will know things just because you are able to. It will almost be as if you are having psychic visions, but instead, you will be seeing what the all-seeing eye sees and what they all-seeing eye knows. There be nothing that you won’t have an answer for and that includes magic. I’ve seen Deedee us this piece before during testing. I’m not going to tell you what I asked her because it was personal, but it was something she could not have possibly known. She closed her eyes for a few minutes, opened then, and then repeated to me everything I had already known about the issue, why the issue had happened and what I needed to do to fix the issue.
This piece also works when it comes to magic. This piece will feed you any type of magic that you want and that includes immortality. We cannot say that this piece will heal certain types of diseases because we haven’t tested in that capacity, but it has performed wonderfully for every test we have put it through. When you want to have a power or ability, all you have to do with this piece is think of that power or ability in you mind when wearing this piece. Meditate with your piece. The energetic properties of the gold, the stellar energies of the star-gems, and the energies of your own body will see through the all-seeing eyes and the magic you want will be brought to you. Not only will it be brought to you, but it will become a part of who you are, embedded into your own DNA. I’ve seen this piece work and its absolutely incredible.
Apart from this, you will know all the mysteries of the world and of the universe. You know what these are by now. I don’t have to list them. You will simply know everything and anything you want to know. You will gain the powers you want to gain. This piece is extremely powerful. This is why the Immortal 8 limit who can have a piece like this and who cannot. If there were 9 Billion people running around Earth on an even playing field with magic like this, the world be annihilated in a matter of hours. With this piece, you truly, truly become part of the elite. Not even the Illuminati have this magic or knowledge. That is how elite this power is.