All Hail Halaliel, Angel of Karma
All Hail Halaliel, Angel of Karma
All Hail Halaliel, Angel of Karma
All Hail Halaliel, Angel of Karma

All Hail Halaliel, Angel of Karma

Regular price $ 38.00

Remember when God said, "Vengeance is mine?" Well, it's true. He has an angel that takes care of everything in the department for him. If you've never met Halaliel, please allow me to introduce the two of you. Halaliel is the angel that presides over Karma. Some Christians are hesitant to admit that such a thing as Karma exists, but c' mon-- what goes around comes around has been a thing since the beginning of ages. God has made sure of it. Surely, if you spread good works and positivity that is what you are going to get back.

This piece works in one of two ways. You can use it for either, just not at the same time. The first way that you can use this piece is to cash in on all that good karma that you've been collecting for yourself. This karma will come in the form of spiritual rewards that Halaliel will give to you and can come in the form of riches, good luck, finding your true love, giving you specks of white light magic, etc. You choose and she will grant.

The other way this piece can be used is to cast karma upon those people who do bad, malicious things to you. I gave this to my friend whose father wouldn't stop calling her a fat ass. She wasn't even big, she just has a little more meat. Needless to say, he was served his justice and packed on 25 pounds during the course of a month. That's a lot-- even to gain over the holidays and this was just in March. Hmmm.. maybe he should choose his words wisely next time. That was just a light example. The truth is, Halaliel will cast karma upon a person by gauging all the lousy crap they have put you through and then he will throw it back at them. Either way, you decide to use this piece, the results are amazing.

Almost forgot-- if you haven't been such a good girl or boy, this piece will also give you a karma cleanse, causing you to forfeit your bad karma and giving you a fresh start.  You're welcome.

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