This piece is awesome because it's going to be one of the only times that you are going to hear voices in your head and there's NOT going to be something wrong. These earrings have been charged with magic that we found in the Ark of the Covenant. We found it when we were using another piece that allowed us to travel to the Ark. That piece has already been sold, but this piece remains. When you wear this piece you will be able to invite angels in to speak the secrets of the universe into your mind. The knowledge of God has been stored in his angels. All angels share one common connection and knowledge. Thus, whatever you ask the angel, he will be able to show you. all you have to do is put the piece on. Think about the questions that you want the answers to in your mind. If at first, you don't receive an answer, then dwell on the issue for a little bit longer. The magic in this piece will connect you to an angel that specifically has the knowledge that you are looking for. This angel can also show you how to create extreme, white light magic. It can also speak all the knowledge of the end of the world. The choice is up to you however you use it, so just make sure you know what you want before going into it because if your thoughts are misconstrued at the time, this piece will have difficulty working. You must be clear and concise!