Companions of Penelope and the Universal Goddess
This piece was created by a convergence of one of the most powerful Secret Orders to ever exist call the Order of the Palladium. The Order of the Palladium, also called the Sovereign Council of Wisdom, has often gotten a bad rap for being a diabolical institution. This is simply because the findings of the Order are not given to the public. What kind of Secret Order would that be? there has to be something that is kept secret. The fact remains that the Order received their magic by any means that they could. They are not exclusionary of any kind of magic, even that which would be considered diabolic.
The Order of the Palladium had female initiates and these members were called the Companions of Penelope. When it comes to the Middle Ages, it may appear like women took a backseat to a predominantly male society, but this wasn't the case with the Order. They treated their female counterparts with the respect that they deserved. This is how the Companions of Penelope were able to develop their connection to an entity called the Universal Goddess.
The Universal Goddess is one entity, but it is many entities. It is a form of knowledge and magic that embodies the magical wisdom of every goddess that has practiced magic on Earth or in the Earthen Realms. This piece is called the Goddess Medallion because this medallion holds the exclusive ability to use the power of the Univeral Goddess.
This gives you the ability to connect to any goddess of the world. It doesn't matter whether it is a Mayan Goddes, a Roman Goddess, a Greek Goddess, a Hindu Goddess, or even at Atlantean Goddess. The choice is yours, all you need is this medallion and the name of the Goddess that you desire to connect to. You will able to acquire the magic and knowledge of the goddess that you choose, regardless of who the goddess is or what her powers are.
This goddess medallion an antique piece carved into ceramic.