Cosmic Eye of Atlantis
Regular price
$ 115.00
There is a land in ancient Atlantis that goes by the name Yustah. I'm not sure if that means something special in some ancient language or not. All I know is that the place exists and was a central hub to the nation of Atlantis. I know this because I have visited Yustah while using an astral travel piece that I was testing. Yustah is the land where the magic of the Atlanteans begins. It was the part of Atlantis where they received the magic of the Universe from the part of the Universe that is called the Cosmic Eye. The Cosmic Eye is the center of existence where the records of everything that has ever happened exists. It is from this Cosmic Eye that Yustah receives its knowledge and its magic. The Atlanteans have turned this knowledge into many different forms of magic using their own metaphysical and supernatural existence as the spark that lights the flame. They simply get the energy that is radiated from the Cosmic Eye and mentally bend this energy into whatever they want it to become. For them, it was easy. For mortals, it's not only difficult but impossible.
That's where this ring comes into play. I got this ring during an astral journey to Atlantis. I'm calling this piece the Atlantis Eye, named after the Cosmic Eye from whence the Atlanteans got their magic. Also, the ring which holds a chip of the capstone from the Pyramid of Yustah is in the shape of an Eye. It was given to me by the 9 Keepers of the Ancient Secret. They are the 9 High Priests of Yustah whose responsibility it is to keep watch over the admittance of power into the Atlantean realms. Then, they control the flow of power and its distribution. This power, once again, can be manipulated by the body essence of the Atlantean people. The ring that I'm offering gives you this ability. Not only will you get to redirect the powers of the universe to fall to you as they once fell in Atlantis, but you will also gain the ability to biologically synthesize these energies to turn them into the different forms of magic that you want to manifest. There really isn't much that this piece cannot do. It is literally the basis upon which all Atlantean magic was built.