District 150
We received this piece while we were testing a different piece. This often happens, if I'm being honest. We are minding our own business, attempting to test the pieces that we have. Bam!! We run into some other entity on the astral realms. This time, actually, we are quite glad that he found us. He told us that he had been looking for us for some time after nearly reaching us on the astral realms once or twice before. He gave us this piece and told us that although it looks likes something a little girl might wear to play dress up, it is actually a piece that he created himself.
The traveler's name is officer T.R. Kyvin of the New American Expeditionary Force. He identified himself as coming from district 150, which is a city just outside of Des Moines, Iowa. As he has told us, this is the largest city in the United States of America after they experienced a Civil War in the year 2076 and Iranian forces attacked from a base established in Mexico, from where they launched several nuclear strikes. America was to engrossed in its civil war to respond and they have been overrun. The official language has become Arabic and the flag has been replaced.
It's funny because in those days North Korea has actually become a United States ally, but they have no nuclear arsenal to offer America protection. I mean, America has split into a series of seven different countries anyway. Russia has gone on to establish world dominance after forcing the Chinese to submit to his reign in which the two countries have become one.
Either way, this piece allows time travel. As you can see, we have already used this piece. The clock portion of the bracelet is the part that allows for time travel. The rose is a piece that allows you to become completely invisible while using this piece, which has come in handy more than once. The clear bead provides you with the ability to hold one memory and one memory alone. This will be your fondest memory of all times, that you will carry with you wherever you go!