Djinn of the Temple Atlantis
The Temple Atlantis is the proper name of a pyramid complex that was constructed in ancient times in Atlantis. It was situated in the capital district and included chambers for meetings of the Elders who converged regularly to perform rituals that would create new levels of consciousness and awakening, as well as new magical abilities they could pass on to their constituents. Guarding the entryway to this chamber were statues into which djinn had been conjured in order to protect the complex and the chamber alike. However, these djinn were also used to conjure energies from the multiverse to help the elders develop their magic.
This piece conjures forth one of those djinn. We call the Atlantean Temple djinn. They are very powerful and it doesn't take much to bod with them. Simply wear the piece and meditate with it. They are pretty active djinn so they should make a connection to you pretty quickly. In order to get a wish granted, all you have to do is project that wish in thought-form. Your djinn will recognize the wish and grant it with the power that it has. You can also ask for other powers to be created for you. This djinn is both ancient and powerful. Having said that he will not be able to grant things like death or immortality, but will grant just about anything else.