Etheric Revenant
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$ 100.00
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Lethargy, tiredness, depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, horrible nightmares, nightmares that feel real, night terrors, irritability, and inability to focus are all symptoms of a very serious condition that affects more people than you would realize. If you are feeling any of the side effects that I have just explained, or if you have other side effects that can't be described by anything physical, then perhaps it is time that you start thinking about the metaphysical aspects. I'm talking about Etheric Revenants. Etheric Revenants are leeching spirit forms that can literally drain the life right of you. They will not kill you-- at first. They will deliver such a psychological and spiritual blow that you will no longer have the will to live. They will cripple your body until you just want to give up. These types of spirits can include vampire revenants, witch revenants, werewolf revenants, poltergeists, and demons. They appear to you in the shadows. They could be those shadows you see in the corner when you turn your head. Sometimes they will even manifest themselves to you during the haunt. Sometimes they will make noise, other times you may smell them, sometimes you won't even know they exist other than the symptoms that you are having.
We are picturing two of these items, but if it shows as out of stock, we have more or can have more made. These are the spiritual piece that neutralizes and eliminate the spiritual revenant that is leeching off of your soul. When you wear it, the powers in this piece are able to trace energy consumption to the source and will irradicate the revenant that way you are no longer hosting a power sucker that will drain you of your life and your happiness. Aside from being reactionary, these pieces can also be a precaution. If you know you are going to be doing magic, casting spells, or anything like that, it can be helpful to have one of this piece. It will literally not allow the revenant to enter your body in the first place that way they can't suck out your soul with their leeching little souls. They will not be able to attach themselves to you in the first place, which will nip the problem in the bud. If there is no problem, to begin with, you won't suffer. If there is a problem Etheric Revenants, then this piece will serve them an eviction notice so you can get your life back. Either way, it is a win-win. The powers in this piece are phenomenal!
Lethargy, tiredness, depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, horrible nightmares, nightmares that feel real, night terrors, irritability, and inability to focus are all symptoms of a very serious condition that affects more people than you would realize. If you are feeling any of the side effects that I have just explained, or if you have other side effects that can't be described by anything physical, then perhaps it is time that you start thinking about the metaphysical aspects. I'm talking about Etheric Revenants. Etheric Revenants are leeching spirit forms that can literally drain the life right of you. They will not kill you-- at first. They will deliver such a psychological and spiritual blow that you will no longer have the will to live. They will cripple your body until you just want to give up. These types of spirits can include vampire revenants, witch revenants, werewolf revenants, poltergeists, and demons. They appear to you in the shadows. They could be those shadows you see in the corner when you turn your head. Sometimes they will even manifest themselves to you during the haunt. Sometimes they will make noise, other times you may smell them, sometimes you won't even know they exist other than the symptoms that you are having.
We are picturing two of these items, but if it shows as out of stock, we have more or can have more made. These are the spiritual piece that neutralizes and eliminate the spiritual revenant that is leeching off of your soul. When you wear it, the powers in this piece are able to trace energy consumption to the source and will irradicate the revenant that way you are no longer hosting a power sucker that will drain you of your life and your happiness. Aside from being reactionary, these pieces can also be a precaution. If you know you are going to be doing magic, casting spells, or anything like that, it can be helpful to have one of this piece. It will literally not allow the revenant to enter your body in the first place that way they can't suck out your soul with their leeching little souls. They will not be able to attach themselves to you in the first place, which will nip the problem in the bud. If there is no problem, to begin with, you won't suffer. If there is a problem Etheric Revenants, then this piece will serve them an eviction notice so you can get your life back. Either way, it is a win-win. The powers in this piece are phenomenal!