Eve's Spark of Knowledge
She may have been the downfall of mankind, but believe it or not, Eve was a very godfearing woman. To be honest, her story is not really celebrated the way it should be. Yeah, she was tempted by Satan in the Garden of Eden, but who isn't tempted by Satan in many ways on a daily basis. Most of us fall into these temptations and then we pray our way out of them without a passing thought. Even committed the original sin, which is forgivable, but mankind has held her accountable ever since. Hey listen, Adam didn't have to eat that fruit, either. The fact is that we all sin and no sin is greater than any other sin. So, instead of chastising her, maybe we should learn from her. Just a thought.
So this piece is one that we have created with the help of Raviniska. She is the being who was born of the Sphinx's paw and holds an incredible amount of white light energy. She was able to conjure Eve in her spirit form, who was all to eager to help us make this piece. The piece holds the spark of knowledge that she got when she bit into the fruit after being beguiled by the serpent. This knowledge isn't inherently evil. It is knowledge and how you use it will dictate whether this knowledge become good or evil. It is an open-ended knowledge, so we are not really calling it white light or dark light in nature. We are just calling it knowledge.
This knowledge gives you the knowledge of the universe, which is the Cosmic Lifeforce and it was used by God to create all that is in this dimension. The Cosmic Lifeforce is the knowledge that is held in the Tree of Knowledge and with it you are pretty much able to create any kind of magic that you desire. It will give you a detailed knowledge of Heaven and the Universe, including the Zodiac power and celestial magic. It will allow you too look through the Eyes of God and see all that he sees and know all that he knows, including the Coming of Times and the final battle between Good and Evil.
Again, you can use this magic to create your own powers and abilities. These are governed by certain forces, so there is no way of achieving immortality with this piece. However, agelessness, beauty, wealth, love, mind control, psychic ability, Egyptian magic, Mayan Magic, Sumerian Magic, Voodoo, and all other sorts of magic are attainable using this piece. Just let the energy in the piece be the driving force to the magic that you want. And remember, when it comes to the terms of how you use this piece, meaning dark or white magic, you are on the side that you choose and good will always prevail over evil.
This piece comes as a set of earrings and a matching necklace. You don't have to wear the earrings if you don't want to, but when accessing the knowledge that this piece brings you, you must at least be wearing the necklace. I only say this because it is kind of feminine looking, but if you are in the comfort of your own home and nobody is watch, who cares?