Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge
Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge

Extremely Rare Vintage Snake Bracelet With Various Rhinestones And Enamel, The Coming of the Serpent of Knowledge

Regular price $ 1,200.00

If we have said it once, we have said it numerous times. The time is coming when the world will turn apostate. Evil will creep up from the pits of the underworld and will take over. Wrong will become right. The weird will become the usual. Friends and family will fight each other in the street. If you say that you haven’t witnessed this already, I simply have one question for you-- “Do you have eyes? The world is coming to an inevitable end. That is not up for debate. The question is, “What can you do about it?” The answer for most people is nothing. They are simply pawns in a battle between good and evil. You will choose your side, spiritually. Then you will reap the This piece changes all of that.

Allow me to introduce you to a guy that we simply call the Snake Charmer. Why do we call him the Snake Charmer? Well, he is a powerful Kabbalah sorcerer. Through ancient texts and cracking codes that are hidden in the Bible, he has acquired the ability to speak the language of tongues. He uses this ability to travel the world and capture and collect serpents. These serpents are different types of serpents of knowledge. These include ones that have lived in the Tree of Life and other types such as Ouroboros type serpent and others are ancient Sumerian type serpents. Serpents have long been known to be the bearers of knowledge. The Snake Charmer hunts them down to acquire this knowledge and these uses that knowledge to build his own portfolio of magic. I think maybe this time he bit off more than he could chew. He is the one that approached us about this piece, not the other way around.

Let me first begin explaining this piece by telling you that Serpents were not always creepy crawly like they are today. In ancient times, serpents were created as a serpentine counterpart to humanity. They walked upright and they were an incredibly bright and intelligent type of being that retained information like a sponge. They were to be the helpers of humanity. That was until something strange happened. Satan got his hands on one of the serpents, possessed it and then made his way to the Garden of Eden. Dressed up as one of God’s own creations, the guardians didn’t think much of it. As a result, he was able to trick Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. In turn, she tricked Adam and you know what goes on from there. As repayment for what it had done, the serpent was then cursed to crawl on its stomach for the rest of its life.

The Serpent that had beguiled Eve had also eaten from the Tree of Life himself. Even after Satan rescinded from his once possessed body, the serpent found himself with leftover knowledge. He did want to spend the rest of his days slithering around on the ground, so he used the ancient knowledge that was given to him by the Tree of Life and he created a golem into which he slithered. This animated the golem and brought it to life. The serpent controlled the body and called the shots from under the surface. He used the magic that he learned in the Tree of Knowledge to create a relic of magic that held all of his knowledge.

While the serpent remained immortal, the body that he took did not. He also found that the golem he had created for himself didn’t serve his purpose, so he went back to his old ways of beguiling. He would mesmerize and charm people into letting him use their bodies. Once he had full control of the mind, gaining full control of the body was easy as pie. He used the bodies that he took to further his magic through rituals and other sorts of magical procedures. He’d stay in the body until the body was worn from the magic that he subjected it to, or until the body got old. He would then search for a new person whose body he could take. He always found the most vulnerable types of people-- sad, lonely, depressed. They were an easier target for him.

Why am I telling you all this? Somewhere along the line-- I’m sure where-- a mother started to notice a change in behavior of her 14-year-old son. At first, she noticed her son would go into these trance-like states. After a while, he began speaking strange languages. One time she found him suspended in mid-air. As a devout Catholic, she automatically thought it was demonic possession. This is also what the church told her it was, although they knew better. They were able to take the serpent out of the boy and before the serpent could once again enter its serpent body, it was transferred into this piece in spirit form. This piece was taken to the Vatican archive where it stayed until just about a year or two ago when it was once again taken out by one of the Arch Bishops in Rome.

I can assure you the reasons this piece was taken out of retirement is nothing but sinister. There are people in high places with less than sterling intentions. They want to lead people to the slaughter while posing as people you would think you could trust. I cannot get into particulars with this, simply because of where this is being posted, but there are people who don’t always have your best interests in mind. Having not just a serpent of knowledge, but the original serpent of knowledge that beguiled Adam and Eve proved to be fruitful in continuing a hidden Satanic agenda amongst the church.

They had planned on using the magic in this piece to win over the minds of many of the Sheeple. As this piece holds ancient knowledge directly from the Tree of LIfe. It allows the performance of many religious types of magic and will mimic certain actions that were once performed by Moses, Aaron, Elijah, Methuselah, the Apostles, even Christ himself. Again, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions on this most holy type of magic and knowledge because I can’t come right and say the words I want to. But it will certainly allow for a person who is Satanic to appear as a Saint. It will allow for that person to capture the minds of the masses as spoken about in the Bible. It holds raw, uninhibited powers from the Tree of Life because this is where the serpent has come from.

I cannot get into how we got this piece or where. It would jeopardize the connections that we have and the people who got them for us. All I can tell you is that when you own this piece you are getting the spirit of the original Serpent that beguiled Adam and Eden. It holds the full knowledge of the Tree of LIfe. When you wear this piece, the serpent will become one with you, but not in a way that allows the serpent to take over your mind. You will be able to maintain full control over your mind and body. However, you will gain a full understanding of the Tree of Life and the white light powers and magic as described above.

The serpent will lead you in your endeavors to create powers and abilities with this raw white light energy. The kind of magic you will be able to create will be on par with the prophets and the saints. It is sheer white light that comes from the knowledge of God, who created the Tree in the first place. It will be as if you have eaten the fruit yourself. You will experience a white light awakening and with the serpent as your guide, there will not be anything you will not be able to accomplish. This piece can only be used as white light.

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