There are many people who work with demons all the time. To them it is acceptable and they have great results. I believe them. However the knowledge and experience I have with demons leave me out of working with them. What I know is that while you can work with them and get exactly what you want and you will! You WILL get what you ask for, at least for a while but then it all comes crashing down. I have seen this over and over again. Now some may say I have worked with demons for years,again I believe you. The thing is, it will come to an end and when it does you are left in a much worse of state that nothing can get you out of it.
You may say that it only happens if you turn your back on the demon or decide not to work with it, not true. Anything can set the demon off. You have ZERO control over a demon. You are not smart enough or educated enough to have them for super long periods of time, as in life. They will attack when you least expect it. This is just the nature of the beast. It is like a rattle snake, poke it and eventually it will strike.
Here is another little tid bit. You really don't need to buy them either. Just the thought of you wanting to buy one will send them to you free. I'm not talking about a seller selling them and you get to steal them, NO! I mean if you want one they will come! They will come fast as in you are standing on a corner with a bunch of crack heads and you are giving out free cash. That kind of fast! They are free all over. Now that is not to say another seller doesn't have one that they can send you, of course they can!
Let us get into why some people want them. Mostly it is wealth or a serious bad life. Many times these people have tried white light pieces and they don't like that sometimes they are slow working. They don't want to wait or they become so mad at life they just go to the darker side. They read about certain celebrities who pledged their soul for fame or whatever they wanted. They see them as being wealthy and prosperous. What they don't see if what I get to see. I see the wealth but along with it I see the drug addiction which begins to rule their lives. I see the degradation of the person of which there is no turning back. I have seen the blow jobs and one banging 8 at one time just because they are so screwed up. Yet, yet they are wealthy and that is a good thing because when they are sick they have the money for someone to take care of them. I have seen insanity with the use of demons and murder too. A case to look at is Duponts. Wealthy beyond being able to count it and yet sitting in a mental hospital in Delaware. I'm going to give you some disgusting yet true cases. One a well known name must shower every time they use the bathroom. They can't really leave the house. It is a mental disease. One who has murdered others, 4 others of course and now they sit in prison with no demon to get them out because they demon is now done with them. One of my customers who bought one has wrecked their marriage, lost a HUGE business and did a stint in the mental hospital. On top of that she lost all of her property that belonged to her before marriage to her husband. Talk about a slap! Another young person I know is dying of cancer that nothing can cure. I hate to even type that but it is true. All of these people and there are many more ended up in the most horrible situations.
So what is this demon I show you here?
This was a piece done by a very well known writer of wealth magic. This was put together using as they said, demons and angels. This of course wasn't true. The two different spirits can't ever work together, never as in never ever! What really happened was he called them both and a battle took place with of course the highest of angels winning. They will always win in the end unless you sell your soul which is easy enough to do. I never advise this as in the end they win and you lose. Now some may say they don't worry about that but take it from me who does and always has seen spirits that it is not something you want to do. Right now as I type this I have been working with a lost soul in the new house. She was into demons and drugs and had a mental illness. So working with her is very hard. She died in my house at the age of 28. This is connectivity house and not a day goes by that I don't deal with her on some level. She was murdered by the way. She was given a hot shot intentionally. She was not the first person the guy killed either. There have been others but with not enough proof to get him. I have now found bones and graves in my yard. I will get pictures sometime this week and post them here on this website. The house really does connect you like nothing else can but we also have to clean up the energy after you get it. You will never be the same and that is in a good way but again it is because I'm working with you. I never use false bullshit but the real deal. I don't sit in my house and read although I have. I'm out there and I have learned and experienced these supernatural things. I have dealth with a demon showing himself in human form and following me for a long time. This demon manifested in the physical realm to attack me and kill me. He caused my car to break down and then came out of the shadows on a dark and empty road. I always have something with me and that was what I was born with or given, who knows. What I have is power a supernatural power to deal with these beings with the same power they have. I have had this since I was born or like I said it was given to me the first time I sat and spoke with a dead person who manifested physically to me. I don't know how I got it but I have it and it has served me well.
So this piece was being done for wealth but had to be tweaked a bit and now you can use it with all the power of what was intended. This power holds none of the evil or risk but all of the wealth you will need or anything else for that matter.
To use this for wealth just drop coins in it every day. To use it for other things just write it on paper and place it inside. The results take 7 days to begin to work.
You may call him Seymour.