We have more of these-- they just will not be the one shown for the listing.
The 103rd floor is the place where celebrities and dignitaries go to chill out and admire the breathtaking views of NYC. You know, take a load off... throw back a few cocktails... potions... sacrificed human blood... that type of thing. Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I'm talking about the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building. It is a secret floor that has been kept for "A-Listers" that have made a name for themselves. Like I've said, celebrities, dignitaries, politicians and the like are the types of people who usually wind up on this list. This is not to say that everyone who takes the series of secret escalators and elevators to reach the secret platform is into the weird stuff, but I'm happy to report that most of them are. This is why they have everything you can imagine on the 103rd floor. From a bar that only serves powerful elixirs and the blood of those who have been sacrificed for the purpose of bringing powers such as wealth, immortality, beauty, and fame, to secret rooms where you can sacrifice human life D-I-Y style, there is something for everyone!
This piece has seen the 103rd floor. If you don't ask how we got there, then I don't have to tell you that we have our own collection of pieces that allow us to appear as anyone we choose. I also don't have to tell you that I took the form of Taylor Swift, because, well, why not? I'll let Deedee tell you about the form she took. The point is, we got there. We were let in. We got this piece. What does this piece do for you? Well, among everything that we've witnessed, we brought back this piece. This piece was made with the blood of 13 people who were sacrificed on the 103rd floor. The wealth powers in this piece are unlike anything that you have experienced. It will bring you wealth in the most powerful forms, in ways and areas of your life that you never even news existed. How do you think the celebrities stay famous, rich, and relevant. There's so many of them it would be easy to lose track. I mean, when's the last time you've heard of Courtney Cox doing anything? Well, let's just say she hasn't been to Floor 103 in a long time. The likes of celebrities who have been to the 103rd floor are Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, the Kardashians, Kanye West, David Cameron, the Clintons, Angela Merkel, Ban Ki-Moon, and even the Queen of England. Let me assure you most of those people on my list are millionaires many times over! You do NOT want to miss this opportunity.