This piece was made for us by the master conjurer. It conjures the essence of a man simply known as Kabir. Kabir lived in the 15th and 16th Century and was a well-practiced mystic of many backgrounds. He attempted to reconcile the Hindus and Muslims, which worked for the most part. I mean, the Hindus were always kind of peaceful people to begin with.
Either way, this piece conjures his presence for his knowledge of casting abilities. Actually, this is less of a casting ability and more of something along the lines of being able to change reality. Either way, he gets things done. This is how he was to transcend from human form into a demi-god when he died.
When you own this piece it gives you a spiritual connection to Kabir. You don't even really have to tell or communicate what it is you want to Kabir. When you have this piece, he will live inside your subconscious and already know. He will make sure that whatever you truly want and desire out of life will come to pass. Whether that is a new job, a new car, finding true love, or starting a family. It doesn't matter, because Kabir can do it all.