Lord of the Sacred Giving Tree
This piece was created by our master conjurer. It reaches back thousands of years and calls upon an ancient Sumerian god known as Ningishzida. Ningishzida is a double-helix snake god that tends to the Tree of Life. His name means Lord of the Sacred Giving Tree. As such, he is the god that was given the responsibility of protecting the Tree of Life, or the Giving Tree as it was called. He also happens to hold the knowledge, in its entirety, of the Giving Tree. This means he contains a ton of ancient knowledge, especially knowledge of different forms of magic and abilities. That is what this piece is all about and why this piece was made. It calls upon Ningishzida, the Lord of the Giving Tree, to grant you gifts of magic as the Giving Tree would have him do.
When using this piece you will simply meditate with it. During this meditation, you will make a connection with Ningishzida. Through this telepathic connection, you will be able to ask for abilities and magic to be granted to you. Ningishzida will give you the magic that you have asked for, according to the powers of the Giving Tree. You will be given the raw form of this magic and through the energies in your body will you be able to bring them to work for you in your mortal reality.