These rare people called the Punan Dyaks are also known ( some of them) as aping. This means they have obtained all the knowledge of the tree of life. They hold ALL the mysteries of the dream wanderers.
To become a dream wanderer they are initiated into the spiritual mysteries and these mysteries they can grasp because of how they live. While they can pass it on into vessels or initiations it is only they who can pass it.
The term dream wanderer isn't anything about sleeping but about getting what you want using alternative dimensions to gain it. This is also how the tree of life comes into play. They access it using a ritual where they die for a few days, there is no breathing, no pulse, nothing. They come back but they are supernatural beings earning themselves a image on their flesh called aping.
While many of you may have never heard of them I have met them a few years ago. We didn't understand each other but those with the aping could communicate using telepathy. I really feel they are some of the highest functioning beings. They are almost supernatural in full!
What this piece can do is transfer that power to you minus the hike into the wild jungle of a unknown area and the risk of getting killed!
What can you do with this? The thoughtforms become real, you think it while relaxed and you get it. This is a very rare piece and we don't have a lot of them. This is almost like a God transformation which is the best of the best you can have done!