Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
Regular price
$ 50.00
This piece is very simple, but it is only for the brave souls who wish to be part of a team of universal white lighters whose mission is to rid the world of evil. Okay, I know that sounded like DC or Marvel is coming out with a new movie. Having said that, this really is what this piece gives you. It holds the ancient knowledge of the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, which was also called the False Hierarchy of Demons. It was written by one Johann Weye and called false as to lead astray anybody who was seriously interested in dark magic.
Weyer took upon himself the tutelage of a group of Catholic Orphans whom he trained in his ways of white light, thus giving birth to a secret society of divine white light. The power of the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, despite only chronicling 69 demons, holds the ability to obliterate any type of evil.
This piece is to be used during an exorcism or another type of evil or negative energy extraction. It is a pendulum, but not used for yes or no answers. You will dangle this pendulum over the person who is experiencing demonic possession or other negative energies. It will draw the demon or negative energies, leaving only what is white light and pure. Aside from exorcism, this piece can be used to pull out illness, blockages of the chakra, aura cleansing, and spiritual cleansing in general. It is a very powerful piece, but we are selling it for cheap because we recognize that people are in need these days.
Weyer took upon himself the tutelage of a group of Catholic Orphans whom he trained in his ways of white light, thus giving birth to a secret society of divine white light. The power of the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, despite only chronicling 69 demons, holds the ability to obliterate any type of evil.
This piece is to be used during an exorcism or another type of evil or negative energy extraction. It is a pendulum, but not used for yes or no answers. You will dangle this pendulum over the person who is experiencing demonic possession or other negative energies. It will draw the demon or negative energies, leaving only what is white light and pure. Aside from exorcism, this piece can be used to pull out illness, blockages of the chakra, aura cleansing, and spiritual cleansing in general. It is a very powerful piece, but we are selling it for cheap because we recognize that people are in need these days.