The Axum Guardians of the Ark of the Covenant
I want you to imagine for a second that there is a source of knowledge so great that all you have to do is look into it and you will know the answer to every question you've ever had. You will know the universe. You will know the meaning of life. You could have knowledge that is par to God's. I want you to imagine for just a second that you held the source of all white light magic in the universe. Every white light miracle that has ever been performed, every angel that has ever been born, every magic that has ever been performed by God, the parting of the Red Sea, the tumbling of the walls, Daniel staying safe in the Lion's den, David slaying a giant, every white light power or ability everywhere comes from this source of magic. Now, I want you to realize that the moment you experience this source of knowledge or magic that it weighs so greatly on your soul that you instantly die, turning to ash or perhaps just ceasing to exist altogether. Seems pretty scary doesn't it? I mean, would you trade an instant of this knowledge and magic for your very existence? I know I wouldn't.
What I have described to you is the very presence of the Ark of the Covenant. Believe me, folks it is that serious. Mankind can not even touch the Ark without keeling over dead. This is because it holds the Great Covenant between Man and God. Not only does it hold the Great Covenant, but it also holds the presence of God and looking into the Ark is the same as looking upon God's face. The only way to look upon God's face is to have already died and ascended to Heaven and to have been baptized. However, there are certain mechanisms that act as a shield between this remarkable source of knowledge and magic and inevitable death. How do I know this? Because I have spoken to such people. They exist in Ethiopia in a city called Axum. They are called the Guardians of the Ark and there is only ever one at a time. They guard the Ark, which is not allowed to be viewed by "normal" eyes for obvious reasons. They'd have a pile of dead people in the street.
The Ark lives inside the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion. It was taken to Ethiopia by a man named Menelik who happened to be the Son of King Solomon and Makeda, the Queen of Sheba. It was given to him by his father for safekeeping and hidden in an undisclosed area. Of course, nothing stays secret forever. The Guardians of the Ark have been trained well and have the ability to kill with their bare hands using white light magic from the Angel of Death should anybody encroach upon the church where it is kept. They say that this is God's will and that the Ark will be opened once again upon the second coming of Jesus Christ. Until then, the only people allowed to look into the Ark are the guardians, a few select members of the Ethiopian Christian Church and anybody who has the magic necessary to do so. That's what we are offering.
This piece is full of sigils that might mean something entirely different when read in Hebrew, but secretly hold the linguistic resonance that will allow you to look into the Ark of the Covenant. To be honest, this piece doesn't allow you to travel to Ethiopia. What is will do is recreate the Ark of the Covenant in holographic form. It will be created in your mind and will be just as powerful. Each of the Guardians of the Ark is given one of the pieces that they carry with them so that way they can be given a connection to the Ark prior actually becoming one of the Guardians. Had they no metaphysical intervention they would die just like the rest of us. However, the magical energies in this piece will allow you to remain alive and well after your experience with the Ark. As I have described above, this is the presence of pure knowledge and magic that is given to you. You'll see the entirety of the universe and you will be able to know the wisdom of God. You will be able to use the white light magic in this piece to create anything that you want or need. This is the condense version as I have already written it out above. If you've forgotten, reread the first paragraph. You will not be disappointed with this piece. It is all-powerful and all-knowing. It will open up the God Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness and the powers of the Holy Flame within your mind.
This piece holds an ancient Kabbalah magic that was handed down from generation to generation. It was developed well before the creation of the Ark but adapted to suit the needs of being able to experience the Ark without death. You will light a candle and a stick of incense. You will then shake the piece like a rattle, allowing the energies to flow freely. You will then meditate and allow the holographic ark to appear to you in your mind.