The Bleeding Virgin of Argentina
Regular price
$ 877.77
This is a simple piece, in that the story of where it has come from and how you are to use it are simple. However, the powers in this piece are plentiful and abundant. Despite the fact that the Catholic Church has yet to determine if the latest crying Virgin in Argentina is a hoax or not, we can tell you that it's not. Besides, who really wants to listen to the opining of the apostatized church anyhow. We have our own paranormal investigators who travel the world in search of powers and abilities and everything like that.
This piece has been taken to the crying virgin, which was owned by one Julio Mendes. He allowed for us to receive one drop of blood on this piece, which we kept there for a total of three days, to symbolize the death and rebirth of Jesus Christ. We then washed it away, just as the powers of the blood of Jesus wash away sins to make you whole again.
The results are this piece, which allow you to perform miracle's as the Christ child has performed them. These white light miracles will be easy to perform, simply by wearing this piece and stating what miracle it is you wish to perform. There are no limits on the type of miracle that this piece allows you to do. White light healing, raising the dead, communication with spirits, the ability to travel to Heaven, the ability to cast out demons, the ability to speak with the Authority of God are just some of the miracles you will be able to perform with this piece! It truly is a white light blessing!!
I have to edit this one a little bit because I had Steve type it up. This does do all that it says in the descriotion but the raising the dead part. The raising the dead needs to be explained a bit better. If a person is sick and on the death bed it can bring a miracle BUT if God decides it is their time, then it is their time. Also if they are already dead, no dice! Sometimes Steve gets excited and that is why I read them all over. He is always accurate and he did type what the file said but I never updated it after a ton of testing. So if you are buying this to raise the dead, don't as it will NOT work for that. It will work for all other things described.
This piece is sterling silver and hand painted under glass. This is a antique and both a pendant and pin.
OMG this is dead ass serious!!! I have been putting items on and I stopped because a HUGE spider was spotted trying to get into my house. I about shit a brick! I about died. I about pieed myself. I almost had a stroke!!!! Hell I'm not sure if I'm still alive now or just not realizing I'm reallly dead! I froze! I called my neighbor who was in bed but didn't mind coming over but I was afraid that by the time he got here I would be eaten. I thought of calling the state police but the last time that didn't work out so well! Imagine this if you are the police. Hello, 911 can you hurry and get out here. I'm trapped in my house and I'm in a home invasion. They ask me to tell them what the suspect looks like and that help is on the way. I tell them he is big and black. Well, let me tell you, they were not amused! He was big and black but he started ,moving so I never got the chance to say he was a spider except to repeat that he was really, really, big and black! Right now as I type this it is 2:16 in the morning. I grabbed a broom and beat him to death I thought. He is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG he was so big he could have been a TV dinner! I then had help and sprayed him with hair spray as he tried to hide. I don't know if he is alive but if no one see's me ( Hello Steve) we are barricaded in the house as I type. I will now test this piece yet again on a spider! This is not a joke. Like on facebook I'm asking for prayers!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!