The Dance of Nabu
This piece is absolutely amazing. It is a piece of both wonderment and enlightenment unlike any that you've ever encountered. It is a bit of ancient Chaldean magic that is unparalleled in what it can do for you. It is a vessel of metaphysical and magical superiority that you are not going to find anywhere else. Now, before I get started on our experiences with the bottle, I just want to let you know that there are a few chips on the bottom of this glass bottle. We know they are there and we want you to know they are there. This is simply normal wear and tear from the using and testing of the vessel. It will not affect the way this piece is used or the powers inside of it at all, in any way shape or form!
So, this piece is not one that we necessarily had to go on an investigation to get. Rather, we were kind of led to this piece in a sense. We had a piece that we had acquired from an auction in Virginia that supposedly allowed for group astral travel. These kinds of items are rare. Using an astral travel piece to transport two people is pretty usually, as long as you holding hands or conjoined some other way. However, for a group of people to actually be able to astral travel together and come down in the same place? That's pretty amazing. That's not the piece we are selling, it's the piece that got us to where we needed to be to get this piece. In fact, we had no idea where the piece was going to take us.
We do this thing when testing items sometimes. It is called free travel. It is astral travel without a destination in mind. So, when we all were testing this piece that is what was going on. We were free traveling. It landed us in a place that none of us had experienced before. It was Deedee, Lindy, Myself, and two other testers who work for us who don't want to be named.
Anyway, we stood there-- all five of us-- at the base of this very large temple. The steps to the top crafted in pure gold and encrusted with all sorts of rare precious stones-- rubies, diamonds, tourmaline, jade. I mean, you think of it and the stone was there. The steps glistened and gleamed like the night sky lit up by the stars. We made our way to the tops, which kind of seemed like forever. At the top of the steps, we were greeted by quite a sight.
In the center, a few hundred yards back was an entity. We couldn't make him out until we were a bit closer. He sat upon a throne and flanked to his right and his left were these beings. They weren't quite sphinxes, but they were quite griffins. I don't really know what they are. They were beings with the body of a lion, the head of a man and cloven hooves. Their wingspan was quite impressive when the opened their wings. We only saw one of them do this while we were there. The rest sat calmly, wings by their side. They chirped like birds and spoke praises to their go who was seated at the throne. "Great be Nabu, the knower of wisdom." "Glorious is he that sees all things!" "Excellence belongs to the creator of knowledge!"
As we made our way closer, we felt more of an inviting energy that a foreboding one. We began to see the entity and we realized that it wasn't just an entity seated upon the throne, but a god. He appeared to us with a velvet cloak of deep purple. His robe was decorated with the stars and in his hand, he held a scepter that held the sun and the moon. Upon his forehead, where the third eye would be for humans, he held a star called the Sun of Enlil. This Sun is the sun that sees all things. We know this because when we got closer to the entity, the Sun came to life. It floated from its spot on the entity's forehead and we were able to see into the sun as if it were a crystal ball. We were given the knowledge and wisdom to know that the entity that we were seeing was Nabu, the god of divine wisdom and knowledge
The sun hovered in the air with such a brilliant display of dazzling light and energy that I felt like a fly being attracted to one of those zapper things. Only I was zapped. Instead, I was taken to a place of darkness and void and I was able to see as everything that had ever happened in the world. I was able to see all forms of magic and enchantment. I was able to know all powers and abilities of Earth and beyond. The knowledge was transmitted and uploaded into me through my ty third eye. I had a chance to look around during this process and I could see that not only was I suspended in mid-air, but the others were as well. Their arms and legs hung down by their sides and I could only see the whites of their eyes as they were rolled back into their heads. They were being uploaded, tool.
I was taken away to a place. There was a gorgeous field with a brook that babbled gently. On the banks of the brook was a man. He played a melodic song and there were women-- two maybe three of them at most. The played his recorder and the women danced and giggled feverishly. The skies opened up and Nabu, the god of knowledge was sent to them, to show them everything they asked of him about life and other things. He granted them the magic they asked for and he gave them the wisdom they requested of him. This was the wisdom of the Sun of Enlil, which I have told you about. Upon this place, they constructed a temple, which is no longer, but was one of the greatest temples the Chaldeans have ever seen. I was able to feel and touch everything thing and to experience the temple as it was shown to me. It was the same temple we were transported to, except it existed on Earth. I didn't know it until later, but the others were having the exact same vision.
This bottle was sat atop an altar inside the temple. I was given immediate knowledge and a connection to the bottle to know that the bottle holds the powers of the Dance of Nabu, which is what I had witnessed prior to seeing the temple being built. I snatched up the bottle and this ended the vision for all of us. We all opened our eyes collectively and we were back in the room where we began using the other piece that let us travel there in the first place. It was strange, but it was a powerful experience. I still had the bottle in my hand. I guess I got to it before the others had a chance.
This bottle is decorated with a man playing his recorder. The ladies are dancing the Dance of Nabu. This summons his forth, thus this bottle holds the powers of Nabu. You will fill the bottle with water or scented oil. This creates a serum that you will be able to "anoint" your head with. This will open up your third eye to experience the Sun of Enlil. This is the third ee of the universe and when you complete the anointing and third eye is awakened, you will be able to see the entire world differently. The god Nabu will show up to you in spirit form, appearing the way he appeared to us as described above. At this point, you will be able to ask him to show you the secrets to anything you want to see. This includes the ability to ask him to see the secrets of powers and abilities that you want to have. This information will be transmitted to you as I described above. It will become a part of who you are and you will be able to use this magic and knowledge as if it had been yours from birth. He can show you all things and fortify your mind with the knowledge of all things, all magic, all powers, all abilities. He is the God of Knowledge, after all.
When using this piece you will first fill the bottle with either water or oil. You will allow your serum to sit and marinate for a total of three days-- or more. During this time the energies of the Dance of Nabu will be transferred and your serum will be created. You will then find a quiet place to meditate. You will open up the bottle and empty the entire contents of the bottle on your head. Massage the spot where your third eye would be. Fall into a deep state of meditation and allow Nabu to show himself to you. You may begin making requests to him at any time via thought projections that Nabu will both hear and grant. Truth be told, you may not see him the first couple of times that you use your bottle, but you will be able to at least feel his presence enough that he will grant you the things you have asked for. You can reuse this bottle as many times as you'd like, but remember three days or more for the serum to be activated.
As far as the physical appearance of this piece, Deedee has told me the item itself is older than the hills. It is an antique and assumed this condition when it was brought back into the mortal realms. As mentioned before, it does have some small chips on the bottom that do not affect the way the piece is used or the powers.