The Odessa Coven
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$ 200.00
When in Odessa, Ukraine it is not uncommon to hear the locals complain about the catacombs. If water line breaks, or a house settles oddly, if somebody's pet or even a family member go missing, it is often blamed on the catacombs. At first, you might think that they've gone mad, but this is not the case. Their complaints are legitimate. There are some 1500 miles of catacombs that were carved into the limestone. It's only 1300 miles from Odessa to Paris. Try that one on for size. There is an abundance of catacombs that twists and turns beneath the surface of Odessa, so when the locals complain about, it's not because they aren't warranted to do so. They probably get sick of the fact that they live on top of these ancient graves.
It isn't quite known how many people are buried in the catacombs, merely because the whole thing has yet to be mapped and discovered. The catacombs began being built in the 1600s, but rapidly expanded in the 1800s when the limestone dug to form the catacombs was used to build most of the city. Although there has become an entire subculture devoted to exploring and mapping the entirety of the Odessa Catacombs, it has yet to be done completely. It's as if the catacombs have become somewhat of a Winchester Mansion and it keeps on building itself. People have spent up to an astound 27 in the subterranean system of tunnels, attempting to be the first person to document the existence of the entire tunnel system. However, it the complexities of the catacombs are so intricate that you'd be better off trying to self-navigate the New York City subway system, with all its dives and abandoned corridors.
Taking all of this into account, it is understandable why the locals grow tired and even fearful of the catacombs. To be honest, the reasons that we have already given you, aren't even the tip of the iceberg. There are more reasons to be afraid of Odessa than you can imagine. There are secrets that are held that government officials won't even report on because of the nature of the case. It involves an ancient cult of vampiricentities that exist under the ground, using Odessa as their home. I mean, what better a place than an centuries old ossuary? Am I right?
During an investigation, we came across the group of vampires and as I'm sure you can imagine it wasn't the most pleasant of experiences. When we come across covens of vampires we are never really certain what we will come across. Some are more refine and civilized than others, quite like humans if I"m being honest. You just don't know what you're coming across until you get there. I can tell you that this sect of vampires was a bit unruly and not happy to be found out by a group of human investigators. If it hadn't been for the fact that we took white light protection pieces with us, we would have probably also perished at Odessa. However, the fact of the matter is that we had these pieces with us, so they weren't able to touch us.
On the flip side, when we encountered them, we were able to blackmail them into giving us this item. The fact of the matter is that not all of the people who have "gone missing" in the catacombs to never be found again actually "went missing." In fact, that couldn't be further from the truth. These subterranean vampires make it habit of hunting the locals, pulling them into the depths of the catacombs to use for their blood meals. Heaven forbid somebody enter the catacombs in a small group or alone. They are as good as gone. The blood lust of these vampires is far beyond anything that I have ever encountered, with the carcasses and bones of their victims strewn about their living quarters. They are quite barbaric, but on the other hand they are extremely powerful in their sanguine abilities. It's true that they only come out at night and to be honest, we aren't sure if this is because they can't come out during the day, or if it's just easier to abduct people during the shadows of the night.
Either way, we threatened to expose them if they didn't offer us something in exchange for our silence. That is the piece we are offering. It was made by the hands of the coven that lives in the Odessa Catacombs, which is why we are calling them the Odessa Coven. I'm not even so sure they had an official name, but they do now. This piece that you are receiving is the full sanguine ability of the Odessa Coven. This includes all of their blood alchemy that allows you to create any power that you choose. It also gives you an honorary membership to the coven, which allows you to walk through the realms of the sanguine vampires, which exists apart from our own world. You will encounter the existence of many sanguine vampires, who will teach you the powers that you've always dreamt of having.
This piece will also capture spirits you want that are near you or where you go. The center you can add a blood drop to call a vampire directly to you.