The Temple of Seti holds many secrets of the divine. These secrets include how to change your full physical form for as long as you need to. How to create half human creatures like you often see in Egyptian art. How to get and keep magic that is astral and heavenly. How to communicate with the Star Beings from other lands. These beings are those who hold the technology of the pyramids and stars.
All of the things I described above were mastered by Dorothy Eady who eventually moved to Egypt and was considered a queen of reincarnation. She began as a child remembering details of a life she swore she had hundreds of years ago. She tried to tell her parents that her home was always in Egypt. Apparently it was!
This piece gives you the total essence of Dorothy Eady and all her power which becomes yours. If the magic of ancients of Egypt or being a magical queen is your thing then this is it.